Friday, September 20, 2024

What a Tangled Web We Weave

The world wide web or www is a wonderful, inspiring, endless, fantastic place. They do call it a web for a reason – there are hundreds of thousands of websites all linked together out there. You want to be sure and get yours linked to plenty of those sites for a better position in the web.

When you are getting your link exchange campaign ready, keep these tips in mind:

1. Link to sites that are rich in content.

2. Choose sites that are complimentary to yours, example: if you have a site that sells pet supplies, link to sites that give info on how to care for pets, or where to get pets, etc.

3. Make sure your link text contains targeted keywords.

4. Stay away from link farms, which are sites that just have links of all kinds, good or bad, relevant or not.

5. You also want your site to be rich in content, so more sites will link to you.

6. Set up a main/category page for your links directory and then have each category have it s own page. You don’t want just a jumbled mess of links.

7. Do not call you links page, links – call it a resource directory or something similar.

8. You could set up an ezine directory similar to your resource directory for even more web connections.

9. When you find a site you like, email the webmaster, using their name and tell them why you like their site. Give them your url so they can take a look at your site. Introduce yourself ask them to consider your site for an exchange.

You resource exchange request would look something like this:

Hello (webmaster’s name),

I have just visited your site and was very impressed with the content and design. I would like to discuss the possibility of a link exchange with you.

My name is Terri Seymour and I own two sites: My Own Ezine at – a business resource center and Seymour Products at – a home, family, and business resource site.

I would be interested in exchanging links with both sites. Take a moment to visit my sites and let me know what you think. I will be looking forward to your reply. Thank you for your time.

Warm Regards, Terri Seymour

To help save time, have a copy of this request saved on your desktop or in a email folder or where ever you prefer, so you can just open it up and make any changes and send.

I had a link exchange directory earlier on MOE and then decided to remove it (big mistake) because I was adding a paid home business directory. Well, shortly thereafter, I noticed a drop in my traffic and in my sales. I am now building a bigger and better Resource Directory on MOE and on my new site as well.

So, let’s get going on getting a good spot in this tangled web of sites. Good luck in your linking campaign!

Terri Seymour and her husband Terry offer
a no-cost, non-MLM home business opportunity.
They strive to help you build a successful home
business. They also provide a website building
service. Take advantage of the gifts, resources &
more provided for your home and business at FREE ecourse at:

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