Sunday, October 6, 2024

5 Little Known Ways To Double, Or Even Triple The Effectiveness Of Your Web Copy!

It’s sad but true. Most Internet Marketers are struggling with poor response, and have no idea how to go about increasing the effectiveness of their marketing beyond increasing the size of their advertising budget. This foolishness never ends.

The truth is, most Internet Marketers do not have a problem getting traffic. They have problems CONVERTING browsers into buyers, and more often than not, the problem lies with their web copy.

It’s brutal, but bad copy is bad copy, long or short.

It costs nothing to tweak your web copy, and yet you can get measurable, marked improvements in response!

FACT: Changing a headline can boost response by up to 1700% as tested by John Caples.

Aside from tweaking the headline, I’d like to present 5 little known ways which cost nothing to implement, to radically improve your website conversion rates.

Response Booster #1: ** Add Drama **

FACT: It’s hard to get anybody’s attention FACT: It’s hard to keep their attention

Read this:

“Bill was shocked. He had never seen so much blood in his life… it was almost nauseating. It wasn’t his fault. He buried his face in his hands and wept she was such a lovely child”

I bet you really want to know what happened right? Honestly.. I don’t know too cos I made that up. But I think this proves how powerful a device drama can be.

The key, is to keep your reader hooked!

If you reader doesn’t read your copy, your copy has no chance of selling anything!

Here’s one of my favorite quotes from the famous mystery writer Dashiell Hammet, who gave other budding writers this advice:

“When in doubt, have someone come crashing through the door with a gun.”

Response Booster #2: ** Controversy **

People love tabloids. Whether or not you love the National Enquirer, there are people who actually READ such stuff.

If you swipe enough headlines from the Enquirer, I guarantee you’ll never have any problems getting your headlines to *sizzle*.

Let’s face it…sensationalism sells!

Why do you think Women’s magazines sell like crazy?

Check out one of the teaser bullets:

“The Kinkiest, Wildest Turn On Of All Time Is (would you believe it?) Mutual Trust. Read on…”

Get me a copy of Cosmo now!

Response Booster #3: ** Empathize **

Here’s a direct quote from Robert Collier from his legendary out of print book, ‘The Robert Collier Letter book’:

“The reader of this letter wants certain things. The desire for them is, consciously or unconsciously, the dominant idea in his mind all the time. You want him to do a certain definite thing for you. How can you tie this up to the thing he wants, in such a way that the doing of it will bring him a step nearer to his goal?”

Bottomline: “KNOW THY PROSPECT”.

You need to get out of your own ego, and get into theirs!

When you truly know your prospect inside out, you’ll be able to display empathy in your sales copy, and be able to push their emotional buttons, and hit them in the “sweet spot” to make them say “Man.. I really need this thing”

Response Booster #4: ** Give Them The Facts! **

Do you know what’s the No #1 trend online?


There are way too many scandals in the politcal, economic, educational, religious and financial arena.

People just don’t know who to trust anymore, do you?

On the Web, almost every mother’s son is THE GURU.

Who do you trust?

Does your sales letter answer the questions: Who are you, why should I pay attention to you and why should I buy from you?

You have to back up what you say with the cold, hard unadulterated FACTS.

“…the first step is to gather the facts. Every aspect of the product and its market is analyzed. The research is thorough. When it is completed, the report, called a FACT BOOK, is compiled in an organized manner.”

– “The Law Of Primacy And Recency” – from ‘Marketing, Advertising And Sales Promotion’ (1965)

This “Fact-Book” appraoch will enable any marketer to find the “hidden benefit” to establish a new copywriting angle or structure a new offer.

This, sadly, does not happen by chance.

On the contrary, it’s conceived by the marketing intelligence you have marshalled together about your customers, your competitors and your own product.

Response Booster #5: ** Dress Up **

It’s really important that you know why your website looks the way it does.

While many will argue that it’s not always true… people DO judge a book by it’s cover, and for that matter, your website from how it looks.

You can radically increase the chance of your prospect doing business with you, by conveying credibility through your font and color selection. It’s easy to tell an amateurish website from a professional.

If you don’t convey credibility, you’ll lose the sale as people are wary about credit card fraud, and there is no way they will gamble with fate.. and give their credit card number to a website that looks like.. @#$#.

Whatever the case, here’s the golden rule about cosmetics and it’s place in web copy.

The Golden Rule: Do the graphics enhance readership and credibility, or are they there, simply for the sake of being there?

This is the very best ‘litmus test’ for using graphics in your web copy.

In conclusion, these are 5 no cost, yet super effective ways to radically increase the effectiveness of your web copy. They are almost “instantly implementable”, and cost you next to nothing.

Now there’s only one thing that stands between your web copy and the results you should be getting from it.


Go for it!

Jo Han Mok is a frequent guest and featured speaker at
Internet Marketing bootcamps and conferences on subjects
such as copywriting and Joint Venture Marketing. Visit his
website to get a simple step-by-step plan that can take you
from ground zero to having money deposited in your bank
account from an online business every single day for the
rest of your life!

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