Thursday, September 19, 2024

MetaCarta Makes Geographic Search Easier

Geographic Text Search (GTS) makes finding geographic sensitive information much easier. Released by MetaCarta, GTS is designed to find and organize search results based on a region of interest that the user indicates.

GTS, using their own patent-pending algorithms, then searches through documents, emails, research papers, web pages, and any other public Internet-based information it can find. The results are viewed in a web interface as click-able icons on the map of the selected region. The user is then re-directed to the original document.

MetaCarta populates their database using methods that leverage Natural Language Processing. The data is “ingested” by MetaCarta GTS and it is then gone over with the NLP. Documents and information based on geographic location are then extracted.

GTS and the data it collects are stored on a dedicated server that is part of the purchase package. When GTS finishes extracting the geographic information, it is then compared or added MetaCarta’s database. This information is then updated and exchanged on future queries.

There are two types of interfaces that you can use to interact with GTS. The first is the previously mentioned proprietary Web-based interface and the second is a free extension called ESRI ArcMap. Both interfaces feature the three following components:

● Map display
● Text-based query entry field (keyword search)
● Query results hyperlinks

Anyone interested in MetaCarta’s products should contact the company through their site.

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