Friday, September 20, 2024

The Site Match Stink

Apparently, there was a big stink during one session yesterday when Search Engine Watch editor Danny Sullivan pulled Yahoo’s Tim Mayer up onstage to discuss Site Match.

Naturally, the issue of pricing came up. Prices for Site Match start out at $49 for the first URL and $10 – $29 for every additional URL submitted. This doesn’t include the cost-per-click fee, which is fifteen to thirty cents per click and varies depending on the industry.

A woman named Jackie Jahosky with stood up to Yahoo by telling Tim that the pricing is going to kill small businesses. Her company is a one person drop-shipping business. She works on a small markets so that price just won’t work for her.

“I just don’t like it,” she said. This resulted in the audience applauding her with claps and cheers.

Similar sentiment has already been shown on WebProWorld, a popular forum for e-Business professionals and experts.

“I thought you only get sticker shock from new cars,” said Andy Timmins of, “I think I will pass for now!”

Marlin Fischer of Fischer Enterprises, Inc., agreed. “I’m not taking out a second mortgage!”

Sullivan responded by saying that eventually everything’s going to head towards the paid format. Keep a heads up for that, he says.

It’s understandable that as the search engine grows it wants to make more money but you have to wonder if this will end up becoming a repeat of what happened to Netscape

What do you think of Site Match? Reasonable or over-priced? Join the discussion on WebProWorld, your forum for e-Business.

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