Thursday, September 19, 2024

Google Changes the Affiliate Industry

“Google AdSense has changed the affiliate industry.”

This statement was made at last week’s WebmasterWorld PubConference during an informative affiliate session directed towards both affiliates and merchants.

Adwords and the Affiliate Game. If you are a merchant should you allow your affliliates to buy AdWords? Speaker Adam Jewell attempted to answer this question.

First, he discussed affiliates and questioned whether they should use AdWords themselves. For starters, a candidate would need two important things: time and money.

Money. A good candidate must be able to afford to lose $1,000, in addition to having a credit card, and cash to pay the bills before the AdWords checks arrive.

Time. It takes time to begin and master the AdWords program, research keywords, write listings, post and adjust campaigns, and analyze results.

When picking programs it’s a good idea to base final decisions on what people need. Software, tax services, insurance, seasonal purchases, promotional purchases, personals and dating services are always good bets.

When picking keywords be sure to include modifiers such as “buy” and “sale” indicating that the searcher is ready to take action.

It’s important to keep prices low. Affiliates work in small markets and can’t afford the larger clicks. To affiliates clicks are worth 60 cents per click at the most. This reduces competition between merchants and affiliates, he says.

Affiliate managers should provide landing pages without pop-ups when using AdWords. It’s also important to educate your affiliates and provide tutorials whenever possible.

Losing Money? Don’t Sweat It. He said you’re guaranteed to lose money at first although you can make up to tens of thousands per year. Like most aspects of business, it just takes time to start making profit.

For more information on Google AdSense and Google AdWords, visit WebProWorld, your forum for e-Business information.

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