Thursday, September 19, 2024

Why Is MSN Still Showing LookSmart Results?

After noticing the LookSmart directory results still in MSNsearch, I wrote to the guys at LookSmart to get some details.

I Still See LookSmart ResultsI Still See LookSmart Results

Q: Why are LookSmart listings still up on MSN?
A: MSN is transitioning to a new search implementation. During this transition period, they may continue to use LookSmart directory listings on some days.

Q: Why are LookSmart listings up on MSN some days, down on others?
A: LookSmart has agreed to provide the directory to MSN to help them through their transition into a new search solution. On an as-needed basis, MSN will display listings from the LookSmart directory. Unfortunately we cannot control the specifics of when or where specific listings will appear.

Q: How long will this go on?
A: LookSmart is committed to support MSN’s transition to a new implementation-however long it takes. They have not indicated any timeframe to us.

Q: Why are they doing this?
A: Switching to a new search implementation-especially for the millions of queries per day that MSN supports-is a non-trivial challenge. MSN and LookSmart worked together for five years to create a high-quality, scalable solution. It is reasonable to expect that MSN will need some period of time to get their new solution up to speed.

Q: Is there a chance you may extend/renew your deal with them?
A: No, we are not discussing an extension or renewal of the full partnership. While LookSmart will be extending the distribution of our listings to MSN for the time being, this is strictly a temporary situation. They will be using LookSmart’s listings purely as a bridge to their new implementation.

Garrett French is the editor of Murdok’s eBusiness channel. You can talk to him directly at WebProWorld, the eBusiness Community Forum.

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