Friday, October 18, 2024

Getting Your Site Noticed

There you are with your Web Site and absolutely no one knows your address. What do you do next?

First: You must have Meta Tags
Second: Meta Description
Third: Search Engines
Fourth: An understanding of what each one is.

Meta Tags are the Catalogue that the Search Engines place you in when they have read your pages in their own electronic way and decided that this is the Catalogue they are going to place your site in at the Library.

These Meta Tags are the Key Words that you write in the Meta Tag Section when designing your Web Site. It is important to ensure that they are a part of your Web Site as it is annoying for others searching for eg. Robbie Williams latest Album and finding themselves in Sites pertaining to Concrete.

There are Billions of Websites out there all wanting to have customers at their door buying products. The fastest way to lose a potential customer is to have Meta Tags that have no relevance to your Site.

Most who do this wouldn’t be concerned about this type of behaviour as they have not thought it through clearly. People who visit your Web Site want to believe that you are Honest, Reliable and will Provide Them with a Quality Product. They don’t want to find your Site when they are looking for something else. This makes them leave your Site feeling annoyed and when they are Looking for Your Product they will remember your site with distaste and will leave without Buying your Product, joining your Mailing list, etc.

So How Do You Get Noticed?

You still have to do the Donkey Work. Having a Web Site does not mean instant business. What it means is that you have an Electronic Store and need to let People know that you exist and what your products are and where you are.

Meta Tags will do this to a Small Degree the rest is up to you in how you sell your site.

Meta Description is the Sales Pitch.

It is not there for the Search Engines it is there for the Public to read and decide whether or not to visit your Site. Most people make the mistake in believing that it truly is for the Search Engines alone. You need to do some searches and find out for yourself exactly what I mean. I used Google for this experiment.

When you type the address for a web site you are very rarely taken directly to that address you are taken to a List of Possibles each with similar names. You will see the Head Line of the Site – Description of the Site and the Address of the Site.

The Description is what Sells the Public in Visiting Your Site.

If the Description is weak then you have Missed a Potential Sale.

Ensure that when you are writing your Meta Description that you are writing it to sell to people not search engines.

Search Engines are the Library.

When you sign up for a Search Engine or Multiple Search Engines you are subscribing to the Library or Libraries. The Librarian Lists you in their file along with many thousands of others who signed up that day and in time will send their army of Library Assistants – Spiders, Robots etc to read your site in their computer language and report back to the Librarian their findings. Your site is then catalogued according to the information and meta tags pertaining to your site.

There you are Filed some place obscure along with many millions of other Sites waiting for someone to Access the Library and check you out.

Web Site, Search Engines, Meta Tags and Meta Description are just the beginnings of your work they are not the end, so don’t wait for people to be breaking down your door as you have much work to do.

Annie Capil is the owner of Annies-Healing-Cds
a website dedicated to Healing Cds, Meditation Cds, Reiki and
in time books- topics- Business, Healing, Romance, Fairytales.
All Cds on Annies site are created and put together by Annie.
visit her site at

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