Sunday, October 6, 2024

Skyrocketing Your Profits with Offline Promos

Way back in 1997 or so, when marketing products online was still in its infancy, a few wise pioneers said things like “Sell online what is already being purchased offline and you will make a mint.”

They were right.

Online sales really began to soar. Sites like became leading retailers and even traditional offline retailers like Sears and Wal-Mart found they needed an online presence to compete.

In a very few years everyone was buying-or at least comparison shopping-online.

But then a strange thing happened.

People got so excited about promoting their business online, they forgot about the OFFLINE market.

Believe it or not, people STILL shop offline. (I’ll wait while you pick yourself up off the floor.)

Yup, I actually left my house this past weekend and went to Wal-Mart. I needed to buy some mini-blinds for my son’s room and I didn’t even LOOK online. I know that is blaspheme to many of my friends, but that’s exactly what I did.

Guess what I found? There were PEOPLE at Wal-Mart. And not just a few. Honest to goodness people spending real money to buy products. Believe it or not, these were products that they took home with them, right then. They didn’t have to download anything, they didn’t have to wait for shipping.

In fact, I think some of them probably don’t visit the internet in an average day-what with “takin’ mamma for her treatment an’ all and the baby’s got the croup.” (Remember, I live in Kentucky.)

I wonder, just wonder, what would happen to your business if you began to reach out to these “less tech savvy” consumers?

I’ll bet you’d make more sales.

The first step-whether online or off-is to choose a profitable niche to work in. I have put a report together on how to do that here:

Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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