Friday, September 20, 2024

Borrow Some Confidence

I hear voices. No, not those kind of voices, the kind of voices we all hear inside when we try to start or expand our business. After all, it can be a little intimidating.

There are issues on so many levels you have to deal with: “What if I lose money?” “What will my friends say if I fail? (or Succeed?)” “What if no one buys?” “What if so many people buy I can’t fill all the orders?” “What if.?”

All of us have felt that way and will feel that way again, trust me. How can you get to the point where you can press on in spite of nagging inner voices?

1. Surround yourself with people who support you and believe in you rather than doubt you.

While not everyone in your circle will be supportive, try to find and cling to those that are.

2. Get a mentor.

Find someone who has already had a measure of success to give you input. He/she will likely be able to tell you immediately whether your business idea is great or not, and if it will work for you. I have put together a list of surprising sources a low-cost-or even free-mentor here:

3. Fake it.

Everyone is a little scared when they are starting out. But no one knows unless you tell them. Go ahead, take a leap of faith and you will likely succeed. Will you make mistakes? Yup. Will you sometimes be embarrassed? Yeah, that too. But you will never succeed until you try. Go ahead. It doesn’t hurt too much.

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Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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