Saturday, October 5, 2024

Are you a “90 percenter”?

The answer to that question might just be the answer to your success or failure in business and in life.

A “90 percenter” is a person who accomplishes 90% of what they need to succeed in a given area then…

Gives up.

I see this in all sorts of areas of life all the time: The five year old who is told to clean his room yet leaves toys all over his bed. The teenager who does half his homework. The salesman who spends so much time preparing his presentations he never actually makes one.

And the budding online entrepreneur who never quite gets his site done.

Now comes the hard part-are you one of those people? When you look at your life, are you one of those people who is just “this close” to success but never quite gets there?

If so, the solution is likely not going to a psychologist to exercise your “inner child,” the solution is much more simple: Just finish the job. No, it may not be perfect, it might get criticized, it might not even work just the way it is supposed to. But finish it anyway.

You can fix it later.

I have put together a downloadable “fill-in-the-blanks” guide for you to use to help find motivation and direction. Grab your copy here:

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Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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