Tuesday, October 8, 2024

eZine Advertising That Works Today!

Some say there are 150,000 eZines and newsletters in publication today . . . others says it`s closer to 300,000. I wonder who really has the time to count them all in the first place. All you and I need to know is that there are plenty . . . more than we could ever need for a lifetime of successful eZine advertising.

However, and this is strictly a personal observation, I do believe the typical cyber-reader has become somewhat immune to eZine advertising. After all, we`re bombarded with it daily. It`s just a natural human defense mechanism to become numb when being overloaded with information, or anything else for that matter.

I`m sorry to say this, yet it`s a fact! The old days are gone, when we could roll out a good offer in a few eZines and watch the money roll in automatically. That isn`t to say eZine advertising is a dead venue. Far from it! There is still a pile of money to be earned there. But to earn it, you and I must be sharp, professional, and more `on our toes` than ever before.

So, here are a few pertinent suggestions.

1. Make Your Ad Believable

If your offer is really worthwhile to begin with, there should be no need to resort to hype, over-inflated promises, or claims of fantastic wealth with no effort. As cyber-readers become more and more savvy, that kind of junk will get your ad laughed down the tubes. If you need to hide behind a rock and tell lies to make a sale, you should find a different product.

2. Make Your Ad Stand Out From The Crowd

You have about 2 seconds of time to get a reader`s attention before her eye moves on down the page. Craft the wording of your headline to provoke interest and curiosity. Capitalize key words in the ad body. Format your ad so the lines wrap as evenly as possible, and are 5 to 7 characters shorter than the publisher`s line limit.

3. Focus Your Ad On The Reader`s Best Interests

Forget about why YOU think your product is great. Tell the reader what your product will do for HER. If you want her to respond to your advertising, give her a good reason to do so. Remember that her time is more valuable than yours.

4. Make It Easy For The Reader To Respond

Include your URL as well as an autoresponder address, even if you must sacrifice a few words from the ad body to do this. Many readers will not take the time to open and read a webpage, but they will fire off a blank email for more details. Our testing has proven that an ad with autoresponder contact can pull as much as 40% more response than the same ad with only a URL.

5. Use Follow-Up Marketing

A solo ad is the only type of ad from which you might reasonably expect to make an immediate sale. This makes it even more imperative that you include your autoresponder address as a contact method in any small ads you place.

Let the autoresponder follow-up with a timed series of persuasive yet informative messages to lead the reader into making a buying decision. Since a majority of your sales will not be made until after the third to fifth contact, this marketing method can put more sales into your pocket than any one-shot ad you could place in any venue.

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Dan B. Cauthron runs several websites and publishes his 100%
original and highly opinionated *Revenew QuikTips* online
whenever he has something significant to say. To subscribe
please visit: http://DanBCauthron.com Dan also operates:
http://Earn-Revenew.com and http://SlideInADSGenerator.com

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