Friday, September 20, 2024

What Flavor is Your Fear?

Reading this article might just change your life. After 15 years of helping hundreds of people start or grow their businesses-both online and off-I have discovered something:

The only real barrier to success is fear.

Deep seated in all of us is the fear of public disgrace. Thousands of years ago public disgrace meant being kicked out of the tribe. Leaving the tribe was a death sentence in those ancient times.

Some people-people who succeed-learn to identify this and overcome it.

People who fail usually do so thinking their fear was really something completely different (and defensible). They often fail to realize that fear rarely looks like “fear” to its host-instead it takes on a completely “acceptable” appearance. Fear may take the form of perfectionism-spending months to create just the perfect website, perfect product, perfect web copy. Of course, there isn’t any perfect website, product or copy. “What if I get my site up and out there and someone sees how bad it really is?”

Fear can also look like “fate.” When fear takes this form it seems that every action taken is met by some type of adversity. As a result, very little progress is made and giving up is often seen as the only solution. “After all,” this fear’s victim concludes, “God (or Buddha, or Fate, or.) must not want me to succeed here. I’m just not meant for it.”

Fear can also masquerade as laziness. Laziness protects us from failure because if we never try something, we never fail. “I just can’t seem to get motivated.” is the cry of the lazy.

Another face of fear is what we call here in Kentucky “Fixin’ to get ready.” Here is the idea that “before I can do this, I must first do that.” The host of this fear finds himself constantly making a mental (and often verbal) list of all the things he must first do before he can pursue success. Somehow, the list never seems to get any smaller and he grows no closer to his goal.

Deal with these four faces of fear and you will be well on your way toward ongoing success. To aid you in the battle, I have put together a downloadable “fill-in-the-blanks” guide for you to use. Grab your copy here:

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Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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