Thursday, September 19, 2024

Luck Has Nothing To Do With It!

Amazing how people can manipulate their thoughts, isn’t it? For example, how often is luck attributed to and given full credit for your hard work?

If you make a sale – boy, are you lucky! If you convince someone they need your service – boy, are you lucky! If you sign someone new to your downline – boy, are you lucky!

You never realized what a lucky stiff you really are, did you?

Apparently, all that midnight oil you burn doesn’t mean a whole heck of a lot. Neither does all the advertising you spend countless hours sending out. You know all those phone calls and/or follow-up visits you made? Forget it! None of any of that means much!

After all, why should those activities be trumpeted as any kind of big deal when we all know the real reason everything happened is because boy, are you lucky?

That expression is all the more irritating when it comes from people who have worked the Internet. They know doggone well how much hard work really goes into it. That ‘this is a piece of cake’ mentality they brought with them when they ventured Online flew the coop early on!.

Frankly, it wouldn’t bother me at all if we ‘lucky’ people were given an occasional small pat on the back or at least allowed our efforts to share honors with Dame Luck.

The other day I was talking with a casual acquantaince who is also a writer, among other things. I mentioned a few of my plans for my new book.

I’d spent three nights pacing the floor, talking to myself trying to think up unique and creative ways to promote it. I was so dog-tired I STILL don’t know how I managed to be awake enough to carry on a civilized conversation!

The response on the other end was “Boy, you are so lucky! Tell me where you found that information?”

Where did I “find it”? In my HEAD!

Here I was red-eyed and suffering from brain overload and luck was getting the praise. Had this person only realized that by the time I was through wearing myself out, I’d have been very happy to meet luck in any diguise!

Fellow Internet Workers, sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is to put a little distance between you and people who really believe any of your rewards are a stroke of some grand design other than your efforts. These folks have ‘given up’.

Some have legitimate reasons for taking their business interests elsewhere, and certainly it’s their right. But, trust me, many others saw the forest for the trees and decided they didn’t want to be here. This Internet stuff is just too much like ‘going to work’!

There probably are people who seem to have a rubbing-shoulders relationship with the concept of luck. Hey, life’s not always fair. Chances are, however, they helped push their luck along by rolling up their sleeves and doing what needs to be done. That’s the part that gets unfairly neglected to be acknowledged.

The easiest thing in the world is to pass off someone else’s accomplishments as pure luck. It’s a pretty easy way of letting yourself off the hook. The ‘lack of luck’ is a very conveninent excuse to drop out and has been used by thousands of people.

Focus and ignore those who very cleverly distract you with the clever use of words such as ‘lucky’. It sets you up. The first sale or downline member you DON’T get can be easily ‘explained’ by luck having run its course. It’s persuasive, but not true.

For most of us luck is simply Opportunity shaking hands with Enthusiasm. Your own sweat equity is the best kind of luck there is.

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Author, Sam Knight heads an Affordable Ad Writing Service, “The Write Place”, is editor/publisher of “BOOMER BRIGADE!” Newsletter, and partners with a company that offers Low-Cost Quality Computer Systems with a no credit check/no interest accrual Lay-a-way Plan

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