Sunday, October 6, 2024

Newsletter Publisher’s Secrets

When a long-time reader wrote to me about my apparent ability to expand my thoughts into articles, he called it “a special talent that a lot of people do not but wish they had” and my head started swelling from the flattery.

Though there really aren’t any “secrets” and, I am sure there’s little that’s special about any talent I may have, I do know that many people shy away from writing.

I actually believe that all you need is the confidence to have a go and not be afraid that someone may think you are daft. That doesn’t exactly require physical bravery!

Anyway, let me show you how I’ve been doing this for the last four plus years …

It takes time — a LOT of that — and thinking (ugh, that sounds like w.o.r.k. — maybe I’m doing this the hard way?), but producing my weekly rag has really become a process.

And processes can be learned and adapted pretty easily.

First, I’ll admit to a distinct propensity to verbosity, so finding stuff to talk about just comes naturally! 🙂

In truth, it began as nervous energy over-compensating for being REALLY shy. With age, I’ve learned to channel it.

I’m sure there is at least one passionate subject inside everyone. Something you could never tire of talking about, (which is why you’d build your business around it).

Confidence comes from having a handle on the subject in hand

Second, to keep up and continue the flow of new ideas for topics, I subscribe to and skim read various daily news sources (as well as weekly ones, all the top ezines, etc).

Two are general news coverage, the others are slanted to online marketing news. Just the headlines are enough to give me a flavour of the current topics of importance. Those give me stuff to research and expand upon.

Your choice of sources will largely depend upon the nature of your business. You may have trade related headlines you can get, or you can have relevant items sent to you by email via a service such as

Get the news to come to you. Watch trends. Research.

Third, over the years, I’ve just trained myself to see examples, stories and opportunities in everything. I can’t even read a book or watch a movie without “dissecting” it. Even everyday events will throw up various parallels.

Actually, it’s pretty simple to see what’s important to people at any given time. The “trick” is spotting a way to use or adapt it to suit your audience. The basic question to have in your mind is: “How does this news affect them?”

>From that, you’ll begin to see ways to solve problems that are presented, offer insights to prevent them occurring or take timely advantage of positive situations created.

Lastly, I just write as I speak.

I know that isn’t easy for everyone, so to begin with, choose a real person you know and write as if you were writing a letter just to them.

Yes, it works, because people read one at a time. 🙂

TIP: It is better to choose someone who does NOT know too much about your subject. That way, you’ll remember to add explanations for terms that other people don’t know.

When it comes to getting an issue out, actually, I’ll have been collecting clips all week and a mental picture will be gradually emerging of the “angle” or point I will make out of them. Then I fill in the blanks, add my arguments and random thoughts. Then I take the dog for a long walk.

I come back with fresh eyes and delete half of the rubbish I’d written! Re-write, clarify, edit, double-check …

Repeat the last steps at least half a dozen times until the dog is exhausted and something you feel is passable is ready to be sent out. OK, she’s half Rottwiller. Don’t try this at home if you have a Toy Poodle, but you get the idea.

Just be yourself. Trust me, the “right” people will love it.

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