Friday, September 20, 2024

90% More Business…But How?

I would like to tell about a little used technique so powerful it could make your investors forget about you, your product and your service and yet you still make gobs of money.

But first let me ask you, have you ever touched a large sum of money?

If you have then you know that even waking up a couple days after doing it you still giggle inside with childish enthusiasm at the flamboyancy of such a decadent thing.

Boy what a rush.

Or did you feel embarrassed and shy filled with shame that some far off person in the Third World can’t eat right now?

I bring this up because you see even when you read about this simple process that brings tremendous benefit to your business it really won’t make a difference in your life unless it is at least a wake up call for you to start thinking like the rich.

You see there are more millionaires out there that help the poor because they had a giggle about a wad of money than those that were embarrassed by it.

Now which one do you want to be?

Many businesses undoubtedly short change themselves out of their prospective investors because of a simple failure to make their business eligible for the 1244 stock category.

Let me explain…

The 1244 status encourages investors to put equity capital into your business because in the event of a loss, amounts up to the entire sum of the investment (capped at $50,000 or $100,000 on joint returns) can be written off in the current year.

Without the “1244” classification, any losses would have to be spread over several years, and this, of course, would greatly lessen the attractiveness of your company’s stock.

Any business owner who has not filed the 1244 corporation has in effect cut himself off from perhaps 90 percent of his prospective investors. There is no excuse really since it is easier than you think to set up this designation.

But of course regardless of what I am telling you always seek advice from experience professionals before embarking on this plan.

What I am telling you here is my opinion but what if I am right?

You have just opened yourself up to whole bunch of investors with money. Isn’t that what you want?

This could be so attractive to them that they will invest in you even if you are LOSING money. What a great survival tool for any small business.

Would you like 21 letter tricks that make you money? For a limited time they are included in the creative writing for profit series. To get your free copy send email to

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