Saturday, January 11, 2025

How Do You Select the Topic of Your Next Article?


How do you choose what you are going to write about, when your aim is to get paid for your writings? I suppose that it is writing about a topic that people are seeking guidance for or they don’t know what to think about. If there is a big event, like the Iraqi war for example, and you can write about this event with knowledge and then get published, you have more chances that people will buy to read. This is obvious, isn’t it?

So the actual secret is to know what is the topic that is mostly interesting the reader at that moment; it is to write your piece in an original angle and to have a channel to publish your writing to get paid for it. The biggest difficulty is to get original facts about the topic. Millions can elaborate opinions, while few know the facts. Some time it is hard to get unknown facts to work with, so the best way is to deal with known facts and putting them in a new perspective so that they enlighten from another point of view previously shadowed aspects. In my opinion there is nothing more wrong than the belief that facts talk by themselves. Facts are always details and fragments of reality and they need always to be collected and interpreted by a brain/consciousness on both the source side and on the reader side. As a writer your task is to select and interconnect facts so that a higher vision of reality is provided: an understanding that by being grasped would create a whole sense. It is very painful for the writer to have a small amount of facts, as he/she is not able to make any sense out of them; on the other hand, having an overflow of facts presents the same risk of creating non-sense. Facts don’t speak by themselves, unless they are answering organically the Why, the How, the When, the Who and the What questions. So you can still provide value to your readers even though you are not on the field. Your integrity and honesty in collecting the facts from other sources and in organizing them in such a way that you create a new perspective from which to view the same facts, this is a great contribution to the aim of satisfying the need and the right of your readers to know.

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Maurizio Bisogno, graduate in philosophy and former IT Professional,
is the author of several publications and translations.

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