Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Truth About Link Exchanges

It doesn’t matter where you look for advice about increasing your search engine traffic, everyone is telling you that having as many reciprocal links as possible is one of the best ways to improve your ranking. While it is true that most search engines consider how many reciprocal links your site has, and it does affect your ranking,if you’re not careful it can actually hurt you instead of help!

Just like most rules that we find restricting, the rules about linking are changing due to folks who abuse or try to trick the system. We all know that link farming or anything similar to it can hurt your ranking or even get you banned from the search engines, but consider the following information carefully before deciding what reciprocal links to put on your site.

A limited number of high quality links is much better than a huge number of low quality links.

If the links on your Website appear to be nothing more than an attempt to increase link popularity, the Search Engines will either ignore or decrease your Website’s ranking. Instead of having tons of links that appear to have no purpose on your site other than to “up” the number of links, you need links that provide valuable sources of information to your visitors, in addition to the information that you are giving them.

Search Engines can be very smart about detecting attempts to fool them. Add links to quality sites that are relevant to the information you are providing. Search Engines view these types of links highly – and it does help to increase your site’s rank in their indexes. The opposite is also true, having pages of links, simply for the sake of having links, is viewed by the Search Engines as an artificial attempt to increase link popularity, and it does hurt your ranking.

Your first priority should be to build your business. Even though providing quality links is a good method for increasing your Search Engine Ranking, you don’t want to put so many links on your site that your visitors are completely distracted from the information that you are providing. Your goal is to build your business!

Don’t exchange links just for the sake of exchanging links.

You should not feel obligated to honor every link request that your receive. Remember that by putting a link on your site you are in effect recommending that site to your potential customers – and it does affect your reputation! Consider each request carefully. Will including this link add credibility or a valuable resource to your site? Only if the answer is yes should you exchange links!

You must be firm! If the requesting site is not a high quality site, or if it’s topic is not related to your topic – adding a link to them on your pages will hurt your business.

The Search Engines will not penalize you for sites that link to you, because you cannot control that. But, they will strictly judge the links that you have chosen to put on your own Website.

So you must make sure that you stay focused on building your own business, and exchanging links only with credible, similarly themed sites. This can be a huge, time-consuming task!

First, you must find sites with which you want to link. Some Webmasters will contact you with proposals, but if you are serious about reciprocal links you will be actively searching for quality sites and approaching them with an offerand that’s where you end up spending unending hours of your time!

You can quite literally spend hundreds of hours searching for high quality sites that relate to your Website, without being in direct competition with it. Therefore, you need to find a way to find similarly themed sites in a way that is simple, fast, and efficient. A system that will only include quality sites, so that you don’t have to waste hour upon hour sifting through the junk. A value exchange as opposed to a link exchange!

The SiteSell Value Exchange matches you with similarly themed quality sites who are interested in exchanging links. A self-regulating process keeps the quality high and the process REAL (for example, if you have a low-value, banner-loaded site, don’t bother joining the Value Exchange since you’ll be weeded out in no time)

The SiteSell Value Exchange is a unique service indeed! It’s the ONLY service on the Net that encourages and facilitates the exchanging of valuable business-and-traffic-building links between high quality, similarly-themed sites.

The SiteSell Value Exchange generates credible matches so that you only contact other sites who have SPECIFICALLY expressed an interest in exchanging links with you, -if- you have a similarly themed site (or related) — talk about a HUGE time saver! It also culls low-quality sites from the program, and uses specially designed algorithms to ensure you never receive off-target link requests or worse… spam.

The Result?

Pre-qualified VALUABLE link requests from quality, like-themed sites!

Headache-free value-exchanging — no searching or begging required. And most importantly… no tricks! They use technology to keep it honest, and yet remove the tedium and complexity of searching out and requesting links from qualified sites. (In this case, it applies more than ever, since managing a “link exchange” program is usually both spammy and highly tedious and complex.)

If you use this system, you’ll have the links the Search Engines want you to have – and you can get them with little use of your time! It is genuine, and adds real value for your human visitors while meeting everything the Search Engines seek.

And here’s the best news…

You can use the SiteSell Value Exchange completely FREE!

Why would they offer such an awesome service free? They are hoping that you will see the quality they provide and end up purchasing Site Sell. But, whether you ever make a purchase or not you can use their Value Exchange completely Free! No hassles no obligations!

This is an incredible opportunity for anyone wanting to increase quality link popularity and/or their position with the Search Engines!

Stephanie Kelly provides honest & reliable information about creating, owning, & marketing home businesses at Subscribe to her FREE newsletter at, claim your FREE gifts, & enjoy fresh new ideas, inspiration, and motivation in every issue!

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