Friday, September 20, 2024

Natural Marketing for Full Business Success

Is your mind muddy on marketing? Do you wake up each day and say, “I get to share myself and my great message with others” or do you say, ” I have to market , or I will fail.”

Natural marketing refers to the action you take to get the word out about your service and product that rings true to your heart. It feels effortless without struggle, where ideas pop out, you lose track of time engaging in them, and you can’t act on them fast enough! Natural marketing feels authentic and inspired.

Unnatural marketing feels like your actions go against what feels true for you. It isn’t what you like to do normally; it isn’t what you can do easily. Using this tactic, you may feel bored, fearful, or ambivalent. You go through the motions, but a part of you resists. When resistances and doubts pop up you can be sure they affect every marketing decision that can lead to small gains or a large success.

Examples of Natural Marketing and How to Expand Them

1. You like to share ideas, so networking with others in business groups suits you. You gather business cards with names and numbers.

To expand this marketing, start to collect email addresses. Put them into email files in your computer by group or need. You list could include your ezine subscribers, people who are interested in your service or book such as professional speakers, coaches or business people. You can add names from your teleclasses if you give them.

2. You like to speak in front of an audience and offer yourself to groups for an hour talk. Since you are talking about what you have to benefit others, you naturally attract these audiences to your service or product.

To expand this marketing, offer a free teleclass on a skill you can deliver that your audience needs. To make sure you attract them, first make a list of 5-10 benefits of each service and product. Use these words to stimulate emotions that decide where and what to spend money on. It’s easy to market to this group because you can do it by email. Apply those benefits to a sales letter because you need to write a sales letter for each product, class, or service you offer.

3. You like to write. You may already have a book. You took time to write it and you can market it the same way–write an article. You have already contacted print magazines and even gotten published. Just remember the article is your sales force because it points to the benefits of your information, so don’t be married to the idea you must be paid for it. Articles are FREE advertising, and are seven times as powerful as ads because each time you submit an article you join the many marketing masters using viral promotion.

To expand this marketing and reach 1000 to 500,000 people daily, revise your print articles for the Internet. Make them 400-800 words with a shorter introduction and conclusion, make them in tip or how-to format, and make them unique and useful. Contact a coach to help you write only publishable articles and show you the way to present them.

Remember you are already successful. You have had many past wins. Success is part of your life. Think about one or two past successes. What led to them? What natural inclinations led to them? Maybe it was a particular creative idea you had, you read a book that triggered you to act, or you took a teleclass or seminar that gave you a how to move on. Maybe you hired a coach or got inspiration from a trusted friend or mentor. Or, persistence led you there.

Beware of just going through the motions with your business. When you do you leak vitality and don’t allow room for your new ideas to come. These and other struggles keep you from accomplishing your heart’s desire. Adjust and fine tune your approach. Yet, stay in the natural flow and trust the best will come to you because you are using your natural abilities.

Of course you may worry about a learning curve, but if you open your mind to experiencing the much expanded success through the Internet, you’ll scratch your head and wonder, “Why didn’t I do this sooner?”

What I want for you is to not only make 1/2 your monthly income selling yourself and products, but to make a positive difference to your audience. Share your gifts–that’s what natural marketing is.

Judy Cullins, 20-year Book and Internet Marketing Coach works with small business people who want to make a difference in people’s lives, build their credibility and clients, and make a consistent life-long income. Author of 10 eBooks including “Write your eBook Fast,” “How to Market your Business on the Internet,” and “Create your Web Site With Marketing Pizzazz,” she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, The Book Coach Says…and Business Tip of the Month at and over 145 free articles. Email her at

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