Friday, September 20, 2024

What does it take to be happy and content with life?

I have spent many hours doing research and thinking about that very question. The basis of my research comes from people watching. I have been people watching throughout my life. One of my favorite hobbies.

What I have found is that we have to like ourselves before we can be happy with whatever else is happening in our lives.

There are a few things we have to do to become our own best friend. The term “best friend” may sound ego based, but I believe we all need a bit of ego.

The first step is to accept those things that make each and every one of us unique. There may be some qwirks we find that we do not like, but it is possible to replace those with ones we can live with. Once we accept our qwirks we have taken the first step to loving ourselves unconditionally.

The next step is critical. We have to become a bit selfish with our new friendship. As with any new friendship it has to be nutured and coveted.We have to spend special time with ourselves. It may be reading a book, writing in a journal, or listening to the sounds of nature to name a few. For me personally I love to work in my garden when I want to be alone with my thoughts. The important thing is to take time for ourselves. It doesn’t matter how.

Last, but not least, we have to stick up for ourselves. There will always be people out in the world who want to put us down. This may be the hardest step of all, because we have to change our mindset to overcome this obstacle.

I always think of the movie “Corina, Corina” with Whoopie Goldberg when I come to this step. In the movie she tells the little girl she is taking care of to repeat this saying, “There is no one in the world better than me.”

With the above mindset it is harder for other people to affect our love for ourselves. Once we love ourselves, being content and happy with life is much easier.

With a new love of ourselves we take on a new look. Family and friends will see it. People we do not know will see it.

Be happy with life become your own best friend!

Stephany Harper, publisher of Sunny Days Ezine
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