Thursday, September 19, 2024

A Surefire Way to Increase Revenues

Are you looking for ways to gain visibility, reach potential customers and provide a great service for your existing customers? Regardless of whether you are a start up business or well established, you can increase your visibility and revenues with very little cash outlay for marketing by doing seminars and workshops.

Let’s say you have very little, if any money, for a seminar. You can either offer the presentation at your place of business or at a free locale. Most libraries offer use of rooms at no cost and as a service to their community.

Pick a topic that ties into your business message. For example, say you are a chiropractor. You could do a workshop on stress management. Put together a 30 – 60 minute presentation.

Design a flyer announcing the free presentation. Distribute them to everyone you know. Ask others to hand out flyers for you. Post flyers in areas that will generate interest such as bulletin boards in bookstores, health food stores, your waiting room, etc. Send out a press release and PSA.

You can require people to pre-register. Online is perfect in that you can capture their contact information and put it right into a database for future promotions and specials.

On the day of your presentation, make sure you have something you can give attendees explaining your services. You may want to have a discount coupon you give to everyone who attends. Additionally, you can provide a small learning guide that they can take notes on. Make sure your contact information is on anything you hand out.

At the end of the presentation, have people fill out an evaluation form that not only will allow them to give you honest feedback about the presentation, you can gather their contact information.

This is probably the most cost effective way to begin an ongoing process of marketing and promotions for any business on a limited budget. It is also effective for well-established businesses.

In addition to gaining visibility for your company, you are providing a valuable service to your clients which equates to a win/win all the way around.

Kathleen Gage is an award winning entrepreneur, corporate trainer and keynote speaker and author. She is the co-author of, 101 Ways to Get Your Foot In the Door; Success Strategies to Put You Miles Ahead of the Competition. To get more tips on how to get your foot in the door of your prospects and clients visit

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