Thursday, September 19, 2024

Your time is important!

My to do list is longer than my kids spelling list. I find that over half of my to do items must be done immediately. The other half of my chores need to be done in order to keep myself from having more work later. So time management is always a challange for me.

The kitchen is one of those chores that has to be done immediately. Afterall, if you do not clean up after breakfast, you have to weed through th emess to fix the next meal. Which in turn creates more work for you. The more work you have the less time for soap operas and bon bons!

In my quest for more bon bons, I’ve come up with some shortcuts to kitchen clean ups. Many times you can use the “do as you go” approach to cleaning. If you take certain steps as you go, clean up will be easier. Hopefully you’ll find my short cuts helpful too.

When mixing foods, use a larger bowl than is needed. This will give you plenty of room for splatters to stay inside the bowl and off your walls. If a larger bowl is not available, simply cut a hole in the center of a paper plate and stick the beaters through the holes. Splatters will be kept inside by the plate.

Cleaning grease splatters must be my least favorite chore. It rates up there with the toilet. You can help keep the grease in the pan when frying by placing a colander upside down over the pan. THe air can get in to cook the food, and the grease will stay inside underneath the colander. Turn a cookie sheet upside down over the burners not in use. Lets face it, I’d rather clean a cookie sheet than scrub three additional burners. That’s what dishwashers are for. You can also buy a decorative burner cover. Most dollar stores sell these in sets of four. Thay too are easy to toss into the dishwasher. Aluminum foil works great also, but the cost is greater in the long run.

Before you start cooking, grab a paper towel to place your spoon on. If you use a spoon rest, you’ll have to wash it. Remember your goal is to have more time for bon bons. You can use the same paper towel or napkin for the entire day. Toss it into the garbage after dinner and your counter will be clean. Great thing about this tip, is that is costs only pennies a week.

If you have to spray a pan wth a non stick cooking spray, place the pan inside the sink first. The sticky spray residue will be in the sink and not on the counter. Or skip the spray and line the pan with aluminum foil. Once again the aluminum foil with more costly in the long run. Even more so if you make your own spray. But the convience of throwing away the mess may be worth the cost to you. Your time is worth money also. Make sure to spray your pets food bowl before placing food into it also. Makes for a easy clean up of the pets bowl.

Last but not least, always make sure to use the vent above your stovetop when cooking. Even if you don’t see the grease, it is there. This helps prevent the thick sticky film that always follow a meal.

Now that you are equiped with these time saving cleaning tips, get back to your soap operas and bon bons. Afterall, that is all we do anyway right!

Roxanna Ward, Community leader and staff writer for, lives in Georgia with her husband and
her three children. As a published freelance writer the focus of her
writing is concentrated on sharing household tips, her experience
with her frugal lifestyle as well as the phenomenal process of
breastfeeding, child rearing related issues and romantic
relationships. She is also currently the Editor of three newsletters:
What’s New at BabyU?, Intimate Encounters and At Home with Baby
University. Roxanna can be contacted at

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