Saturday, October 5, 2024

How to Get Massive Exposure for Your Site at Low to No Cost

As much as I hate to use “marketing language,” using these four simple tactics will “light your traffic on fire” … immediately. I guarantee it. And even better for you, each one of them can be used at absolutely no cost whatsoever.

To get massive exposure and VERY high visibility for your site at low to zero cost, you can:

1. Make your site “indispensable” or controversial.

Having a site that offers something unique and USEFUL will cause people to refer their friends to it just because you filled a need for them.

You won’t even have to ask.

Don’t fall into the all too common trap of creating a site that offers the same little dried-up articles, free e-books, and stuff as every other site in your niche. *BE DIFFERENT.*

For instance, you could host a free, detailed e-course on your site — as good or better than any PAID e-book in your target market — in which you give people a twice weekly “lesson”, have them answer some questions based on the lesson, then go over the answers and help your “students” in their understanding, if necessary.

Then you could guarantee the results, where registrants get a free 15-minute brainstorming session with you on how to make the techniques you taught in your course work for them, if they weren’t able to make it happen on their own.

TIP: Be sure to make people REGISTER to participate in the course, so you can collect their names and e- mail addresses for later follow-up.

You could also make a part of your site controversial, by posting some content that you know will get people riled up … in a good way.

Write a long article on your underrepresented, but strongly supported, views on customer service. Create a forum just for members to blow the whistle on what they feel are shoddy products, dishonest companies, and scams. Create a section of your site where you post glowing *AND terrible* reviews on products in your industry.

Whatever you decide, it should bring more visitors to your site out of curiosity strictly from word of mouth, without you having to lift a finger.

TIP: Remember to draw people further in, by posting lots of enticing links to the OTHER areas of your site. And have a way to collect their e-mail address so you can keep yourself in their face later.

2. Get *the RIGHT KINDS* of top rankings in search engines.

Yes, everybody tells you that a top (10) ranking in a major search engine or searchable directory is worth its weight in gold … and they’re right.

Kind of.

TIP 1: A top 10 ranking in a search engine won’t do diddlysquat for your traffic and sales if nobody is SEARCHING for that term.

TIP 2: A top 10 ranking in a search engine won’t do diddlysquat for your traffic and sales if that term isn’t FITTING to what your site ACTUALLY OFFERS. (If you snag a #1 ranking for “celery sticks”, but your site offers carrots, your traffic will be wasted and your sales will likely be zilch.)

So be sure your rankings are for targeted, *specific* terms that people are actually searching for, and that are highly relevant to what your site REALLY offers.

3. Get credibility and exposure, all in one…

… by writing and submitting your articles all over the place. The more people who see your name floating around in your niche, the more people who trust you as a knowledgeable expert in your field, and the more people who’ll *seek you out* when they’re looking for a “top dawg” to help solve their problems.

For more tips on this particular topic, read the article “How to Be Perceived As A *Field Expert* in 7 Simple Steps”, at:

4. Use inventive “guerilla link swapping” tactics.

What do I mean by “guerrilla?” Going against the grain, not using what the law terms as “regular” tactics. Being unique and irregular.


Swap *traffic* — not links.

Swap *customers* — not links!

Don’t bury each other’s links in a directory, or on a page with a zillion others. That might be okay for search engine rankings in the long term, but … you want traffic right NOW, right?

Swap ezine thank you page offers. Swap signature P.S. links. Swap *home page* recommended website links.

And get results FAST.

When I swapped home page links, for instance, I started getting dozens more visitors to my site *immediately* … the very same day the site owner posted my link.

It’s all about being creative. Think of two areas of your business through which you get a lot of exposure (certain Web pages, your sig file, your forum, your product download page, etc.), and get to swappin’.


The above four traffic generation tactics are instantaneous, super-easy, and *don’t* have to cost you a dime. And if you set your mind to it, you could set at least ONE of them up by the end of the day, and be getting hundreds more visitors to your site by this time NEXT WEEK.

There’s absolutely *NO REASON* — or excuse — for why you can’t or shouldn’t be doing this.

Super-fast results.

Absolutely no cost.

Highly effective — IMMEDIATELY.

Better pick one and get it started.

Article by Harmony Major, revealing THE TRUTH of how to
achieve success in e-marketing: no punches pulled, no
secrets kept. For one-on-one help “cutting through the
crap” online to improve the profitability of your
website(s) and launch your e-business into a high-response
*full-time* enterprise, come to:

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