Friday, September 20, 2024

Dealing with Information Overload

Regardless of the type of career or title that you have, you are dealing with information overload. It has been a plight that you have dealt with for a few years now and here are some skills to help get-a-grip on all of the “stuff” coming your way:

* Clean out your email files. At the end of your work-week, clean out your email boxes.

Go through the inbox, sent box and trash and get rid of everything that has been dealt with. No need to hang on to them to the point of email overload. Read them and if they are important, print them off and file them in a handy spot; keep a three ring binder for different subjects if it helps. If they are not necessary, delete them. Get in the habit of deleting unneeded files immediately but if that is too risky for you, wait and do it once-a-week. It is a wonderfully liberating process.

* Take time for reflection.

Even though it seems there are not any spare moments these days, one practice that will help you have, and maintain, a clear mind is reflection. It just means quiet time; that is it and nothing more. Whether it is during your commute, on a mid-morning break, after lunch, or in the middle-of-the-afternoon, do what is needed to allow yourself some space and silent time. If it can last 15 minutes, great. If you have to do bits and pieces throughout the day, so be it. The longer you have, the more effective it will be. Use it as your opportunity to think over the days events and how you reacted to them. You will gain insight into yourself and come up with solutions to challenges. Go ahead and try it for a few weeks. You may be surprised at the results.

* Figure out peak energy times.

Self-aware people know when their peak energy times are throughout the day and likewise, when they are not. A key aspect of being effective with information overload is to know when to tackle what is on your desk or in your voicemail system. Keep mundane tasks/issues for those low times and more demanding ones for when you are feeling at peak energy. This varies for everyone so take some time to figure out where your energy level is during the day and how you can structure your work around it.

* Have good people around you.

A crucial aspect to being effective in today’s world is to know where to find the answers. I don’t think anyone expects you to know-it-all and yet, people do expect you to find them the answers they need for their challenges. Whether entry-level, middle management or COO, it is important to know who to go to for what. Don’t put pressure on yourself to have all the answers; realize it is ok to ask for help when needed. Don’t create piles upon piles of needless information for yourself. Realize what is important for you to know and what isn’t.

Information overload is here to stay. There have not been any reports or studies that have told a different story than that. Do your part to stay on top of it without it running you over and wearing you down. After all, a key to being effective is to know what to do with what you have.

Peggy L. McNamara works with organizations that want to Stimulate Some
Action and with association executives that want inspiring, practical
value from their events. Author of “My Tender Soul – A Story of Survival”
Publishes monthly e-zine, “Perpetual Life Management” President/Minnesota
Chapter/ Nat’l Speakers Assoc 651-438-2656 – direct 651-438-2694 – fax

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