Friday, September 20, 2024

Don’t Be Sorry for Believing in Yourself

Well folks, I have another message for you based on things I have experienced this week. This is also a lesson I have to keep reminding myself to live by.

First of all, I was asked to leave a discussion group because the only messages I had posted for awhile were a couple of welcome messages in which I had invited the new members to visit MOE and utilize the free info and resources. This was a group that was 99.9% chit chat which is great, but I could find no posts that were in need of my help or advice and I just didn’t have the time to participate in the small talk.

I actually was thinking of unsubbing for this very reason when the owner did not allow my welcome messages and politely asked me to leave accusing me of this and that. I told her fine and then started doing something we should not do.

I doubted myself and thought maybe I should do this or maybe I shouldn’t do that. But only for a moment! A few years ago, this would have really upset me, but I have grown enough to say, “Ok, that is her opinion and she is allowed it, but I will not apologize for doing business the way I do because I believe in myself and in MOE!”

The second incident was when I had received a nice email from a lady who subscribed to MOE and was interested in my services. Great, I answered her and asked her about her services and she replied saying she would like to meet with me that day. I then sent a time that I could meet and chat. She did not answer or confirm in either way, so it being on a weekend, I decided to spend the afternoon with my kids and take them swimming to the lake.

I thought maybe she had something else to do and just couldn’t meet after all. I thought maybe she too, was enjoying life.

Well, it turns out she made the appointment, but didn’t confirm with me so she waited for me. And of course, I did not show because to me you need two people to make and confirm an appointment. I sent my apologies, ( for the misunderstanding) to her but she still seemed upset.

I politely told her, there was no appointment confirmed and if I get a chance to spend time with my kids, I take it. I would not and will not apologize for that! I did, however, apologize for the misunderstanding, which is all that it was. It happens!

We did talk it out and agreed to meet again. These things happen and it is all up to you how you react to the situation. You must not let inappropriate feelings interfere with good business practice.

So, when these types of things happen to you, do not apologize for being you and running your business the way you feel is right. Definitely do apologize for the misunderstanding or whatever it was that happened, but do not apologize for something you did, if you did nothing wrong. There is a difference. Do not be sorry for believing in yourself.

Treat people with respect and courtesy and stick to your guns! As long as you know you are doing what is right, do not let anyone cause you to doubt yourself or your integrity. Believe in yourself and keep doing what is right!!

2003 Terri Seymour

Terri Seymour and her husband Terry offer
a no-cost, non-MLM home business opportunity.
They strive to help you build a successful home
business. They also provide a website building
service. Take advantage of the gifts, resources &
more provided for your home and business at FREE ecourse at:

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