Thursday, September 19, 2024

Good Logo Design : 5 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Logo


When designing a logo an important consideration is how you plan to use it. A logo created for a website or full color stationery printing will be designed completely different than one designed for faxing and imprinting on coffee mugs.

Most companies desire to use their logo for more than one application. Graphic designs that have gradients, transparences, and special effect filters tend to cost more to reproduce and often need to have an additional simplified version created. While choosing a logo design consider how you want to use it now and in the future.


A logo represents your company. How it looks tells potential customers what kind of business you have. Make sure your logo adequately represents you. For example if your business deals in financing your logo should be conservative, contemporary, or even high tech. Creating a whimsical design (although refreshing) could instantly take away credibility. When choosing an image style you should consider your company’s philosophies and your customer/client profile.


Make sure you have and use the proper format for the application. Vector [AI] – Adobe Illustrator This format is editable in both PC and MAC software.

PDF – Portable Document File Format used by Adobe Acrobat, electronic publishing software for MAC OS, Windows, and UNIX.

Vector [EPS] This format can be used by most printing facilities. It contains font and color information.

Gif – Graphics Interchange Format This is a low resolution file used primarily for web pages and e-mail templates.

JPG or JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group This format allows for storing full color images with very high compression ratios. This format is used primarily for photographs in web pages.

BMP (300 dpi) This format can be imported into most PC application software. Tif or Tiff – Tagged Image File Format This format can be imported into most PC and MAC software applications. The file size is large and can be used for the full color printing process.


Your logo is a very important tool for branding your company. It should have a uniqueness to it. The ultimate purpose is for people to recognize your logo and associate you with it. When choosing a logo design try to pick one that will stand out from a crowd. It should immediately catch the eye and have more to offer when looked upon longer.


Make sure you really like the logo before deciding on one. It will be with you for as long as you’re in business. As years go by you may opt to update your logo but it should always have the same basic feel to it. After all this is how people identify you. Try to pick colors you know you’ll love today and 20 years form now. The same holds true for type fonts. Sure these nuances can be changed but often times they are a very important part of the design so try to get it perfect the first time.

Sandra O’Brien owner of SKO Enterprise, LLC
An online logo design agency
Over 22 years experience in the graphic art field

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