Friday, September 20, 2024

Free advertising with articles in your hand

It doesn’t take a lot to become a writer. Maybe, you would need to be able to write at least correctly in terms of grammar and spelling, but applications program such as Microsoft Words would spell check your document for you. You don’t have to be first in advanced 4 Unit English class in high school to become a success writer.

Everyone can write an article, and submit it on the Web. All you need is experience, knowledge, and most likely, passion for a subject. When you have passion about a particular subject, it is not surprising if you also have an extensive knowledge about that one particular subject. Of course, if I like playing video games, I wouldn’t worry too much in spending my money buying ‘GamePro’ Magazine let’s say, because I like it, I want to read it, and find out more about it.

Therefore, before you start thinking about what to write, think first about what you have passion about.

Of course, when linking it to the internet business, writing about something that you are passionate about wouldn’t bring you any profit, unless, of course you have something related to that subject that you are selling. At least, you are affiliating with. For example, if you are writing about video game, or a review of one particular game, it would be best if you have a website, selling that game that you just reviewed. At least, you should provide a link that you are affiliated with selling the game, so you would profit on it.

But why would you need to write the article if you already have the website itself? Isn’t website already a sales letter to the people who look at it?

Well, to tell you truth, after you finish creating a website, it doesn’t mean you have it seen by thousands of people. Maybe not a single person find your website.

Now, Here are some of the advantages of being an article writer:

* You have total control over your work. You are your own
boss, you decide what, when and where you will write.

* Your advertising cost is nearly zero.

* You can create as many articles as you like, and the next day

you can have it viewed by people (At least, the next week)

* Your article will promote your website 24/7

Why and where do I get the advantages from?

How many times have you encountered ezine? that is, internet magazine. I am pretty sure if you have been around in internet business before, that you have seen them more than once, no, more than five times. Those ezine publishers of course need articles to supply to people who subscribe to them. Now unless they write the articles themselves, they would need some writers. How? They would encourage writers to submit articles to their ezine. This way, they can get articles to supply to their customers.

Usually, they would let you have a link below your article to link back to your website. Now if you have a website with more extensive information about the article, then people who are interested in the article would click on the link, try to find more information in your website, and bingo, you get another customer prospect in your website. Isn’t this a total free information to your website then? if you ask me, I’d say yes.

Sally Widjaja is the editor of Currently she’s offering “how to turn affiliate programs into your infinite CASH ATM” for FREE. (Click here for more info) Visit the site for more tips tricks plus insider’s secret on home business topic

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