Saturday, October 5, 2024

7 Top Free Strategies to Promote Your Website

Website promotion is a big issue on any webmaster’s mind. You need to let people know that you exist and doing this for free is both possible and effective. Here we would look at the top 7 ways of getting free or almost free website exposure.

1. Write Ezine Articles. One of the most effective way of driving targeted traffic to your website is to write ezine articles. At the end of each article you can place a small ‘undercover’ ad for your service or product which readers can refer to.

This will come in the form of “more information” or to get more details on the same or similar subject that the article refers to. Although this takes time and you may think that you are not a good writer, it is still possible if you follow a simple template.

A very common format, as this very article is following is to simply list a number of tips – in this case seven. Once you have your tips in hand you can give each a paragraph or two. Try it.

2. Do Joint Ventures. This works best if you OWN a product. You can just write to ezine publishers and offer a joint venture where you give a higher than normal commission. Remember that you are getting practically free exposure and you can offer back-end products to the new customers you gain.

This is a win-win situation and provides one of the most powerful means of marketing on the Internet. Instead of buying a list of customers you go to those who already have the list of interested customers in your product. Be sure that you have a proven sales copy and ad that works. This should not be used to ‘try out’ your sales site.

3. Seek out free ezine ad placement. There are many ezines that offer free ad space just for subscribing. You can search in the SE to find ezine that offer such and just methodically submit your ad to each over a period of time. Advertising in ezine is a very effective means of online marketing. If you get this free why not take good advantage of it?

4. Offer Testimonials. Have you used a product and was really impressed? Then you can offer a testimonial to the owner and be sure to include your name and website address. Not only will you increase your link-popularity because you now have your URL on another site, but you can get direct traffic from that link.

5. Participate in message board forums. Most message boards would not allow you to post blown-out ads. You are allowed a signature file that you can pot to good use. Many search engines also index message boards, so again you can increase your link popularity.

You will be surprised to know the number of good traffic you can get from message boards especially if your posts are helpful.

6. Run your own Newsletter. I know that it may seem that everyone has a newsletter these days, but this is a very powerful way of getting repeat visitors to your site. You are also able to build relationship with your visitors that can mean more income for you.

Even if you are not a writer, or think that your website does not warrant a newsletter, you may send updates about your website or use articles written by others.

7. Offer a unique service. There are many webmasters who have built considerable traffic to their website by simply offering a unique and often free service. This is the idea of post-card sites, free web hosting and free email services. Some sites may host form-processing script and even offer free autoresponders. This is the rare case of ‘if you build it they will come’.

These services normally come with the requirement that you add a banner to your site or their ad is sent out with each card or emails sent.

So there you had it. Use all these seven free website promotion strategies and see your website traffic build over time.

Copyright (c) Ray L. Edwards 2003.

Ray Edwards is the author of “77 Ways To Skyrocket Your Website’s Conversion” and “The No-Click Traffic Sertect” Learn how to drive targeted traffic to your site and convert them into buyers in the quickest time. Visit

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