Sunday, October 6, 2024

STOP! Don’t Click That Link!

I have a question. Why is it that most people will not click a link to buy a product or service if they suspect it is an affiliate sale? All those who are resellers in affiliate programs try extremely hard to disguise or hide links that may even appear to be related to affiliate programs for this very reason. They’ve seen the statistics and know for a fact that most people will cut the ID tag off and type the direct URL into their browser. Why is that?

It’s A Perception “Thing”

For some reason, people as a whole don’t like to think that Others are making money off their sale. Isn’t that odd? Every person in every business in the world is making money off us. The utilities are making money off us. Even the educational institutions are making money off us. So why then are we so very opposed to someone who markets an affiliate program being paid a commission from a sale we give them?

It is perceived that we are being treated unfairly – although I don’t understand where that perception comes from. Our perception is that we are lining other Web site owner’s pockets by buying from an affiliate. And we are! But the same holds true for the doctor, the grocer and the child care provider. They all make money when we do business with them, too.

Be Fair

Do YOU participate in affiliate programs? Then the “Golden Rule” might bear repeating. “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you”. If you would like others to buy using your affiliate information, you should be willing to do the same for them.

Even if you don’t support any affiliate programs at your site, consider these points. You saw the advertisement of the affiliate member, not the parent company. The member was the one who placed the ad that caught your attention. The member is the one who did the work. The member is the one who deserves the sale.

It’s Cheaper Than Buying From A Retail Business

Everyone probably understands the concept of “markups”. A retail “home decorating” store might buy a bedspread from a linens manufacturer. They will then add a hefty profit to the price you pay. This is how they make their money. However, that does NOT hold true for affiliates.

It Won’t Cost You A Penny More

I could understand the avoidance of buying from an affiliate marketer if you would pay a higher price for the same product. However, with affiliates you won’t pay a penny more. Unlike the retail stores we all do business with, the company who developed the affiliate program absorbs the “commission” of their members – not you.

You receive the exact same product or service for the exact same price as you would if you bought directly from any other affiliate or the parent business itself.

Affiliate programs offer an exceptional way to receive residual income. They are also a great way to start a business or to add valuable products or services to an existing business. So the next time an ad catches your attention and you’re tempted to delete the affiliate code from the link… think twice and then give credit (and the sale) where credit is due!

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