Sunday, October 6, 2024

Your Customers Want What You Want

You know, it’s very odd. Many business owners sit back and wonder why their customers are “so hard to get along with”. They constantly demand more and more. They ask for special consideration under certain circumstances and they always want you to bend the rules.

Your customers aren’t hard to get along with . . they are just like you! Think about it. The last time you wanted something done, and you wanted it done right, you called on your favorite vendor. Why? Because you knew they would get “it” done. You didn’t even think you might give the appearance of being demanding, did you? No, you were actually paying them a compliment.

The same goes for your own customers. When they ask you for special services, they are actually giving you praise. They wouldn’t ask if they didn’t think you were the best person for the job. They are showing their confidence in you. . . not to mention, they are giving you additional ways to make your income.

“But what about when customers complain?” That’s actually a good thing! Consider the motives behind the last complaint you filed. Were you just trying to be annoying? Of course not!

According to the US White House Office of Consumer Affairs 1996 study, 96% of customers won’t complain. They just leave. That’s an awful statistic. They site several reasons for this behavior, none of which are acceptable to me personally. When a customer complains, they are actually giving you an opportunity to make a poor situation better. They are allowing you to retain them as a customer. Rather than just leaving with no explanation, they are offering you the chance to redeem yourself. Think of where you would be if 96% of your customers left without warning.

So what does make customers happy? The same things that make you happy. Your customers want to be recognized. Believe it or not, they want to feel appreciated. That is the #1 reason most customers leave . . . they don’t feel as though the company values them as a customer. They also want you to acknowledge that their business makes a difference in your company. Isn’t that what you want when you are the customer rather than the service provider?

Do you remember a time when you entered a business and told them you weren’t going to come back because of some mistake or difficulty? I did once. The business was a bank. They didn’t even bat an eye. The teller handed me a check for the balance in my account and said, “Have a nice day”. I don’t know why I expected more. As often as I went, no one there ever bothered to learn my name. I didn’t feel appreciated and I certainly didn’t feel valued.

You can show your customers how much they mean to you. You can smile when they give you additional “challenges” or ask for special consideration. You can offer a sincere “Thank you” when they make a purchase. And the next time you wonder what in the world will ever make your customers happy just look in the mirror and you’ll figure it out.

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