Thursday, September 19, 2024

Self-Talk Keeps You Sane

We all do it! We all talk to ourselves. We’re in constant dialogue with our brains, talking to ourselves on how we feel about things, and yes… even the odd profanity that luckily no-one hears.

Are we all mad? Why do we do it? Well, when you think about it, we all have more input into our own lives than any other person could possibly have. So, self-talk helps us make sense of our world and helps us to get our thinking straight.

Self-talk is a running commentary of what’s happening. Our self-talk reflects and creates our emotional states. We can feel relaxed or stressed, depending on what we tell ourselves.

Positive self-talk is the best friend we can have. It enhances our confidence and improves our ability to perform well in a variety of situations.

It’s a powerful tool, because self-talk influences our outlook on life. It affects our self-esteem, energy levels, performance, and relationships with others. Self-talk can even impact on our health, determining, for example, how we handle stressful events, or how easily we replace unhealthy behaviors with healthy ones.

Self-talk is like a self-fulfilling prophecy…something we think about so much that we actually make it come true. When our mind gives us permission to succeed…we have a better chance of proving it right. We can choose positive self-talk such as: “I know I can do the job…everything will work out.” Or, we can choose negative self-talk like: “I am not smart enough to do this…I know I’ll hate it…it won’t work!”

Changing self-talk from negative to positive is an excellent way to manage stress and get the most out of life. Self-talk can help us to enjoy life or it can make us suffer. It can help us succeed or make us fail…help us to feel good or be depressed. With self-talk we can be immature or mature, harmful or helpful, dumb or smart, irrational or rational.

It really depends on what we say to ourselves and how you say it. Do we suffer from constant self-criticism? Or, do we constantly Criticize others? Do we complain about life, our faults, or how unfairly life ‘treats’ us? Or, do we make up your mind that we are going to succeed and then continually tell ourselves that we will? What we think and tell ourselves really does matter.

So, talking to ourselves is a good thing…it keeps us sane. It helps us recognize our strengths and weaknesses. It can be comforting when things go wrong. Self-talk can be like the soothing, supportive words of a counselor, friend, or mentor.

It is up to each of us to maintain our own positive self-talk and fill our mind with uplifting ideas. As we improve our self-talk, we can commit to changing our actions accordingly. Because, lasting accomplishments come only when we change our behaviors as well as our thinking.

Copyright Noel Peebles, Market Leaders Ebooks.

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