Friday, September 20, 2024

Top 10 Tips for Starting a Successful Networking Business

1. Set Your Business Hours. Decide what hours you are going to work your business, and commit to setting aside that time to focus on activities that will help your business grow. Emailing and surfing the `net don’t count! You can expect distractions of all kinds, so decide in advance how you will let others know that this is YOUR time: Non-negotiable!

2. Separate Your Personal/Family Time. If you develop a consistent routine for focused business development, it’s so much easier to relax and enjoy your personal/family time. Otherwise you may find yourself spending a disproportionate amount of time on your business so that the personal balance in your life is askew.and your loved ones WILL complain!

3. Use Your Company’s Products. Networking involves educating others about both the products and the business opportunity. Set the example for your organization by becoming a product expert, and be prepared to promote the products credibly and honestly through personal use experience.

4. Have a Clear Vision. Identify your personal values and make sure they’re congruent with company you choose to work with, so you know you can promote their products ethically.

5. Know Your Personal WHY, and post it where you can read it daily. What is your reason for wanting to start a networking business? What is your most desired end result? Time freedom, financial freedom, securing retirement, and being at home with your children are all possible reasons why people start this type of business.

6. Commit to Your Path of Personal Development. Read, read, read! Just 20 minutes a day of reading is a great start! A networking business generally involves a certain amount of stepping outside your personal comfort zone, so be prepared to stretch yourself.

7. Have a Realistic Budget for Monthly Expenses: products, advertising, office supplies, postage, etc. Know how much you’re prepared to spend, and stick to it!

8. Keep All Receipts. This practice can translate to great tax advantages as a home-based business owner, so keep good records and be sure to consult someone who’s well versed in small business deductions at tax time.

9. Set Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly Goals (as well as long term objectives.) WRITE THEM DOWN and review them daily! Only 3% of the population actually make the effort to identify and write down their goals, and it’s no coincidence that they’re among the world’s most successful individuals!

10. Be Coachable. Work closely with your enroller, and if he or she isn’t as involved with business-building as you’d like, find yourself a mentor. Study successful people, follow their lead, and don’t waste your time trying to reinvent the wheel. Learn and use the systems that are already in place for your success!

Carolyn Beale is a devoted mom of 2 who works full-time from home
running a successful online networking business featuring non-
caustic, environmentally friendly products manufactured by an award-
winning wellness company. For product info or to discover how you
too can earn income from home with the support of an amazing Team,
visit her website at or contact her at!

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