Friday, September 20, 2024

7 Quick Tips to Improve Your Free Internet Advertising with Search Engines

Search engines can provide one of the best free Internet advertising methods for any business. The problem is that everyone is submitting their sites to search engines and it is very competitive. If you don’t rank relatively high in your selected keywords it really won’t make any difference no one will ever see you’re site.

To make free search engine advertising pay off there are four things you need to accomplish.

A) Find a keyword phrase that will be searched by your targeted audience with high frequency but with low competition (i.e. number of competing websites). This will increase your chances of a high ranking.

B) Get your site indexed by the right search engines to cover 90 %+ of the search engine traffic.

C) Achieve a high ranking (first 20 or less) when your chosen keyword phrase is searched.

D) Compel your target audience to click on your link when it is displayed.

If you accomplish the above you can expect to freely receive targeted search engine traffic.

In this article we are assuming that you have already chosen a keyword phrase and written a keyword phrase rich web page. Here are a few things that you can quickly do to help you accomplish points B, C and D above.

1) Write a Compelling Title Think of your title as the headline of your ad. Your title should be around 5 – 10 words. Your title should describe your content in an attention-grabbing manner and include your targeted keywords.

A great title can easily double, triple or quadruple your click-throughs. If you are not familiar on how to write an attention getting headline you should spend some time learning this skill.

2) Include Your Title in the HTML Title Tag. This may seem obvious but you would be amazed at how many sites have web page titles that say “home”, or some other generic tag. Your title is what the viewer will see when your page appears in the search engine.

The title format looks like this:

3) Write a Compelling Description. Think of your description as the ad copy in a classified ad. Your description should be compelling, keyword rich and calling your audience to act. Your description should support your headline and encourage your targeted audience to click your link. Write your description in 200 characters or less and put the most compelling part of the description first in case the last part is cut-off when displayed.

4) Include Your Description in a Description Meta Tag. Some search engines use this to determine the description that is presented to the user.

The description meta tag looks like this

5) Include Your Description in a HTML Remarks Tag. Your remarks should be added just below your title tag. Some search engines will pick this up as your description and display it to the search engine user.

The remarks tag looks like this:

6) Put Keywords in a Keywords Meta Tag. Each page should have keywords and phrases in the keyword meta tag. These keywords should be relevant, describe your content and be terms that someone may use to search the web for the information contained on the page. Use 20 to 50 keywords in this tag. Try not to repeat a keyword more than 5 times. Some search engines will consider this keyword spamming and give the page a lower score or excluded your page altogether.

The keyword meta tag looks like this

Everything together would look like this and should be placed below the HTML tag and above the BODY tag in your web page:

You can use this free meta tag generator tool like this one to help.

7) Search Engine Submission. Once you’re page is ready you can submit your page URL. Only do this every 30 days per URL. If you do this too much some search engines will consider this spamming and exclude that page.

Here are a couple of sites where you can submit your page to multiple search engines for free. To maximize your search engine coverage use this two step approach.

A) Submit your page URL at Submit Express.

B) Then go to Jim Tools and exclude Google, HotBot, Lycos and What You Seek and submit your URL.

This process will allow you to submit your page to a majority of search engines without submitting your page more than twice.

If you would like to see which search engines have the most reach with US users see Industry Facts in Net Marketing Results Issue 57.

You can do all of the above in a few minutes and boost your free advertising with search engines. It takes a few weeks for search engines to index your site so the sooner you start the sooner you will see the rewards.

Jeffrey Jordan, Copyright 2002

Jeffrey Jordan, President of Net Marketing Results. He has 20 years experience enhancing profits for Fortune 500 companies to small businesses providing expertise in marketing, systems integration, manufacturing, software, e-commerce and online business.

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