Saturday, September 7, 2024 Peer Review – Reorganize Links to Grab Attention

On the whole I think the site is laid out well, is functional and simple, however there are a few niggles that I have about it. The site loads nice and quickly and only needs a few minor changes.

Firstly the navigation, this works until you get into the sub-categories e.g. Concrete+Tool -> Abrasives then any product. At this point the left hand navigation disappears. The left hand navigation till this point does a good job getting the browser to the other categories. There is a horizontal detailed navigation so why not have a more general navigation at this point.

At some points in the product listings the standard blue is used as a text link, on a dark grey background this is barely visible and could do with being a different colour, examples are on the hammer drills listing.

The order of the items in the initial left hand navigation are jumbled. Its easier to scan the different product categories if they are sequential. Group the products together, then the ordering info then the company info suggested order as below. Also your hot list should be at the top as the attention grabber.

Clearance Items
Bulk Entry
Safety Equipment
Concrete Tools
Conduit Benders Greenlee
Cordless Tools


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Secondly, page lengths. Some of the pages are very long indeed and requires endless scrolling, a few page breaks would be beneficial. The home page itself is very long and to be honest if there is any content below the DeWalt logo I didn’t see it, looking back at the page there is some text there but it is totally lost where it is. What are the three products shown under the logos indicating? special offers? hot sellers? It needs to be looked at, perhaps an obvious link on the home page could take you to the manufacturers logo page, instead of it all being on one page.

Altogether it’s a solid site.

Peter Langford IT & C Manager

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