Friday, October 18, 2024

When Silver Birds Die

Once upon a time in a land far, far away, there was a great flock of silver birds which soared proudly through the heavens. Piloting these great silver birds were men in freshly pressed blue uniforms who lived in fine stately homes, owned nice cars, and enjoyed the finest things in life.

One sad day, none of the great silver birds moved from their roost. They all sat motionless. No great roar emitted from their engines. There was no hustle and bustle of loading and unloading cargo. The birds were dead.

The pilots of these great birds found there was little demand for their skills. Even though there were other flocks of great silver birds, someone else was already piloting each of those. Very quickly the pilots came to the realization that they had made a fatal error. Their income was derived from a single source, and once that source was cut off, they had no other income on which to survive. A few lucky pilots found great silver birds to fly, while the remaining pilots had to change careers and start over again from scratch, usually at a much lower income. Eastern Airlines was bankrupt, and as a result, many lives and dreams were also bankrupt.

This story serves as a warning to network marketers and non-network marketers alike.

If you are a non-network marketer and your income is solely dependent upon your job. What will happen if your job is abolished? Will you be penniless, scrounging for money to pay even your most basic living expenses? Will your standard of living immediately decrease? Will you be able to care for your family in the manner which you desire?

If you are not a network marketer you should consider entering the business. Not as your primary source of income, but rather as supplemental income which you can put away as savings for that rainy day that is certain to come. By participating in network marketing, and not allowing your expenses to expand in proportion to your income, it should be possible for you to build substantial savings for the future.

If you are a network marketer, is your income dependent solely upon one company? What would happen if that company should fold? Could you survive? All network marketers need to represent more than one company. One company should be their primary company which they actively promote on a day to day basis. The other company should be your secondary company which you build in the background to supplement or replace the income of your primary company should they fall on difficult times.

The company folding is not the only problem. It is common practice for network marketing companies to terminate their relationship with top distributors when money is a little tight. This eliminates the huge payouts to that distributor putting the company in a better cash position. Sure, litigation may arise out of such acts, but that is usually much later after he company has stabilized.

Though our newsletter Great Heights News, we promote our primary company, as well as at least once secondary company as well as a number of affiliate programs. By doing this, we are able to build multiple sources of income so that should anyone one income source fail, we have the others to fall back on.

There is nothing wrong with promoting two or more network marketing opportunities provided they do not compete with each other. Often, one can supplement the other so that both draw off of each other as well as a common customer base.

As a network marketer, you should focus the vast majority on your primary opportunity. However, you should not become solely dependent on your primary opportunity for your income. Develop other revenue sources. You never know when you might need them.

Brande and Chris Bradford are active participants in a home based business opportunity and are the publishers of GREAT HEIGHTS, a monthly newsletter focused on home based business issues. To subscribe to their newsletter, send a blank e-mail to: or visit:

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