Thursday, September 19, 2024

Organizing Your E-Mail is Oh So Easy

The number of e-mails you receive on a daily basis can be overwhelming. However, did you know that you can sort it and keep it organized? Most programs, such as Outlook Express, allow you to do this easily by making new folders.

First, set up the following e-mail folders: Do, Awaiting Answer, Read, Reference. Begin by sorting through your old e-mails. Look through both your Received and Sent folders and make a decision on each e-mail. When you finish this exercise, both Received and Sent folders will be empty.

If at all possible, delete. Just as you open your snail mail over the trash can or recycling bin, make use of your virtual trash can.

If an e-mail is something you need to act on, move it to your Do folder. Don’t do it now unless it is truly urgent.

Do you have any e-mails which you are holding because you are waiting for a response? Move them to the Awaiting Answer folder.

Place any articles or newsletters in your Read folder. However, you may want to print anything longer than one page and place it in a manila folder to be read later. You can then delete the e-mail.

E-mails which contain information you want to keep such as passwords, can be moved to the Reference folder.

Once you have sorted all your old e-mails, you can click on your Do folder and get to work. As you receive e-mails on a daily basis, sort first, then work through them. By using this system, you will work more efficiently and will avoid e-mail overload.

Free “50 Ways to Manage Your Time” tips booklet. Visit

Copyright 2002-03 Barbara Collins-Myers. All Rights Reserved.

Barbara Myers is a professional organizer, speaker and author. FREE time management tips booklet and meal planner. Visit

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