Thursday, September 19, 2024

Lets Blow The Cannon — Market Aggressively

Do you know what it takes to market your Web site aggressively?

Contrary to popular belief, marketing your Web site aggressively does not require you to be a search engine guru, a tireless individual making submissions in 1000’s of ezine lists and online directories, or even a workaholic sitting 14-18 hours a day infront of a computer begging for links with webmasters.

Ofcourse being good in these areas is a definitive advantage (except workaholism). But do you really have the time, know-how, strength and skills to go about these? Especially when things change so rapidly online.

At this point you might say.. it’s well worth spending time and money in these areas, as it will pay off over the long haul.

You’re right. I used to think the same way. However, with the advent of new software packages, specialized tools and services, spending much of your time in these areas are not well worth the effort.

All these tasks can be completely automated with today’s custom made packages with great precision at fraction of a cost you would otherwise have to bear if you go the hard way.

With specialized niche products like Site Build-It! The one recently introduced by Dr. Ken Evoy in his sitesell suite of products these laborious task can easily be set-up at a click of a button. Huh!

Then what exactly does “marketing aggressively” mean?

Here’s what it means…

Marketing aggressively means marketing with a particular “mindset”.

A mindset that leads to a particular direction. This mindset should be closely aligned with your business model. It could either be used to achieve a specific goal, or to make things work for you in totality. It can also be used to devise a strategy so powerful that gets everyone in your business loop endlessly.

Need an example?

Mark Joyner. A man known for his market intelligence.

Why is he so successful?

Because he works very closely with a particular mindset. Whenever he comes up with any marketing product or service, he makes sure the product has it’s viability and usefulness in his chosen area of market. Then he makes easy for people to market his product in such a way that benefits both him, and the user of his product.

Setting specific goals serves as the backbone for your aggressive marketing endeavors. Not having a goal is like catching a fly in the dark. Heck, majority of people do not even think about it. Strange, but true!

Your goal can be anything according to your preference.

For example your tangible goal could be to make $100,000 in a year’s time. Or, it could be intangible, e.g., to be successful in earning fame or recognition. Or it could be both fame and money.

Your success rests upon the dynamic marketing strategies you formulate for the market you chose to serve.

To market aggressively, your marketing efforts should be directed towards the following:

– Sending proposals for joint ventures with your fellow associates

– Acquiring testimonials from respected authorities

– Launching new innovative marketing ideas and campaigns

– Developing skills in making killer copies (Copywriting)

– Coming up with a niche product and/or service

– Developing an edge, or a USP (Unique Selling Proposition)

– Ability to sense and develop new market trends

– Have full determination to achieve success

– Get on to your target market with the speed of a leopard

There you have it. The ins and outs of cyber-metrics.

Apply them, and watch your business take off from ground zero to the new heights in the sky.

Amin Khan of is the active soul for helping you develop a successful niche based business. Subscribe his FREE ezine ‘The LASER’ to join the select group of pros who are driving the Net for success. Send a blank email to: with the word “subscribe laser” (without quotes) in the body of your email.

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