Thursday, September 19, 2024

What Does EQ Look Like in Today’s Multicultural World?

One of the most important Emotional Intelligence competencies is Resilience, or change-proficiency and it’s a good one to develop. The good news emotional intelligence can be learned!

Think about it. Tomorrow, what skills will you need to have at work besides your degree to forge 10 people from 3 different cultures, 4 religions, 2 generations, 6 ethnic backgrounds, 2 sexes, and 4 departments, with 3 learning styles, 5 communication styles, and 4 occupations, 1 of whom is introverted, 1/3rd of whom are left-brained, 1 of whom is hearing-impaired,2 of whom are depressed, half of whom are single, 3 of whom you’ve never met before, and 3 of whom are speaking a second-language, whose IQs range from 110-150, into a team able to produce a work product to specification, on time, and within budget?

And then pick up your mother from eldercare, and go home to a loving relationship in a strong marriage that nurtures two children?

You’ll need something besides a college degree to make this work!

And counterintuitively, the closer the team is to what you think your culture is, the harder it’s going to be.

If you’re from the US, you would expect there to be cultural differences between you and a Russian, or you and a Malaysian, but the difference between you and other Americans can be amazingly diverse and can sneak up on you. I have international clients and students in my EQ coaching school, and I’m always amazed at the assumptions they have about “Americans” that don’t apply to me.

Increasing your Emotional Intelligence will enable you to deal with other cultures with more flexibility, and to be more resilient in the face of the rapid changes in today’s world.

Susan Dunn, MA, Marketing Coach, Marketing consultation,
implementation, website review, SEO optimization, article
writing and submission, help with ebooks and other
strategies. Susan is the author or How to Write an eBook
and Market It on the Internet.
for information and free ezine. Specify Checklist.

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