Friday, September 20, 2024

Get Nose-y!!!

Yep – get nose-y. But not the Mrs. Kravitz-spying on the neighbors type of nosy that you might think I’m talking about.

This kind of nosy is good. It’s real good… This kind of nosy requires you to be totally alone – unless you don’t care about looking like a weirdo in front of your co-workers. Okay – so you’re alone at work (or in the car or at home, wherever) – here’s what you do. Sit up straight with your head up, your face forward and your eyes closed. Now for the nose – ready? With your nose, draw imaginary letters. Start with A and work your way throughout the entire alphabet. Take your time. Don’t whip through it. Go slowly. And if you have the time, go through the alphabet twice!! Think this funky little exercise is too weird to be of value?? Wrong!! In fact it does wonders to help relax the tension in your neck! And as the Chiropractic profession knows, this is a big problem for tons of people. Tension in the neck can create muscle tension in other parts of your body – including your lower back!! So take a short break now and practice your ABC’s. At the risk of sounding like Martha Stewart…”it’s a good thing!”

Molly Luffy, MBA, owner of Work Ethic Wizard, dedicated to helping managers regain their sanity and employees survive and thrive in todays corporation. Author of Super-Charge Your Promotion Quotient: 225 Success Strategies for the New Professional.

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