Thursday, September 19, 2024

What is Success?

“To be a happy, successful person whom others can admire and want to learn from”.

That simple sentence is the vision statement of someone who has lived by that thought for most of her life and has achieved it. and more!

Janice Byer, a home-based entrepreneur in Caledon East, Ontario, truly believes that success is not just your profit margin; it is also about you and how you feel.

After graduating with a Micro Computer Management Degree from Sheridan College in 1985, Byer worked for a large employment service company, in which she processed the payroll for all the temporary employees that the company contracted out. From there she moved onto a prestigious automotive aftermarket company in which her ten year career found her doing everything from Accounting to Marketing to Purchasing. These many years in the corporate world gave her extensive experience in all aspects of administration.

But, as so many stories go, the company fell victim to a merger and many of the loyal employees, including Ms. Byer, found themselves searching for a new career direction.

In popped her father Al Gay, the owner of a local lawn care business, who offered her the position as his Office Manager. It was a dream job for Byer and the perfect opportunity to utilize her many talents and build on them. Working together with her father, she helped to build the company into a successful, award winning small business.

But, again, circumstances arose that left her wondering what to do next. Her father decided it was time to retire and sell the family business. Of course, first refusal was given to Ms. Byer, but it just didn’t feel like something she wanted to do for the rest of her life. She wanted to be able to expand on her creativenessnot to mention, be her own boss!

After an abundance of researching, one day it just clickedwhy not do what she has done all of her career but offer the services to numerous bosses’, not just one.

And so, Docu-Type Administrative Services, a professional Virtual Assistance and Website Design company, was born.

In the early stages of the business, Byer’s passion to become successful took her in many directions. Her first step found her applying for and being accepted into the Self Employment Assistance (SEA) program, sponsored by HRDC. For 10 weeks she attended classes given by The Mentor Group in Brampton. Ontario. The instructors, all successful small business owners themselves, helped the participants learn the many ins and outs of owning and operating a small business. From Accounting to Marketing to developing a top-notch business plan, the entire course is something that Byer feels was the first and most essential contributor to her success.

“I thought I was doing everything right when I started this course”, smirks Byer. “But I soon found out that being in this course was going to radically change my thinking and, thus, increase my business. I still refer to the two 3-inch binders that contain all the information they taught us, for ideas and guidance.”

In building her business, Byer feels that networking was and still is one of the most important influences to increasing her business’ exposure and becoming successful.

In 1999, Byer joined the Brampton Board of Trade and jumped right into the many opportunities they offer. She attends every monthly Afterbusiness networking event and now volunteers her time on their Marketing Committee. She also volunteers as a website designer for the non-profit organization, the Caledon Community Accessible playground (CCAP), and writes “been there, done that” articles to help other businesses grow.

“I have an amazing need, I guess you would call it, to help people”, admits Byer. “Whether it’s my clients or the local disabled children who need a better playground, I just don’t like to see anyone in need. Now, that doesn’t mean I can be taken advantage of,” she laughs, “but it does mean that people can count on me.”

And all of Ms. Byer’s efforts have not gone unnoticed. On September 14th, 2000, she was honoured as the Most Successful Start-Up 2000 by the Pinnacle Awards for Business Women of Distinction. And more recently, on October 24th, the Brampton Small Business Enterprise Centre (SBEC), in conjunction with the Brampton Board of Trade, City of Brampton, & Towns of Caledon and Orangeville, presented Ms. Byer, and her company Docu-Type Administrative Services, with the Home Based Business of the Year 2000 Award.

From her home-based office, Byer helps other small business owners, along with corporate executives, stay on top of their workflow and increase their productivity. Her services allow these entrepreneurs all the benefits of having a personal administrative assistant, without all the costs of hiring in-house.

Specializing in Word Processing & Website Design, this award winning company provides the essential services that entrepreneurs need to keep their business organized and running smoothly. With the help of her website ( and the ease of using email and couriers, most of the services can be accomplished on a Virtual basis.

Byer has always been someone whom others have turned to for assistance and support. She has taken great pride in having an open mind and a supportive heart. These two traits have helped her become the successful person she is today.

Janice Byer is the owner of Docu-Type Administrative & Web Design Services (but you knew that already when you read the first paragraph :-). She invites you to visit her website at and sign her guestbook (another opportunity to get your business name out there).

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