Friday, September 20, 2024

Damashi Peer Review – Make It Appealing To Customers

This site is not terrible, but it could certainly use some enhancements. The navigation is not intuitive and the content is not conveniently laid out. Trying to read it is difficult because of the different font sizes and colors.

The first thing someone should do is remove all of the font tags and set a consistent font type, size, and color for all of the pages. That alone would make a dramatic improvement.

Below is a list of the things that I believe would greatly benefit this site.

  1. The first statement on each page should be wrapped in an <H1> tag for search engine optimization.
  2. Think bamboo, rice paper, bonsai plants, etc. Most people looking for karate books will want the oriental touch, not the Americanized version of it. Many people expect exotic items from the internet, not just things they can find at the corner store. If it feels exotic that might be close enough.
  3. Add a section with a few pages from the book – a “read before you buy” test drive.
  4. Special promotions should be up front – don’t make your visitors search for your specials.
  5. You might even consider some type of drop down or expanding menu to reflect the depth of the site. The sitemap is great, but it is usually the last place people look for information.
  6. Pick 2 or 3 colors and stick to them – the red, blue, yellow, purple, black, navy, green, thing just isn’t working. All font should be the same color except when trying to draw attention to very special text or promotions- then you can change the color. Font colors should NOT change more than once per page.
  7. Use CSS to keep all of your links and fonts a uniform color and size.
  8. Internet users are notorious for short attention spans. Keep your visitors focused on the goal – purchasing the book or video. Every page should have a clear link to purchasing a book or video. Even your about and links pages should have at least a small plug for a book or video.
  9. Larger font does not necessarily mean more attention will be paid – uniformity and consistency are more important.
  10. Add a benefits section to each of the book/videos. Why should I buy this book/video? The “Complete Idiot’s Guide To Karate” page lists several things that may make that an appealing book.
  11. <Font> tags wrapped around each piece of text slows the loading process. Switch to CSS to decrease the download time.
  12. Anytime you mention an author’s name on a page you should have it link to more information about that particular author.
  13. separate your content into 3 levels. Give the visitor enough information to get them interested, then give them enough detail to help them realize that they want it, then provide enough information that they realize they need it and that they should buy it now. A surprisingly large number of internet purchases are actually impulse buys due to good marketing.
    1. Primary (teaser content with links to secondary pages) (no scrolling)
    2. Secondary (details, but still teasing the visitor to the Third level – buy it – page) (very little scrolling)
    3. Third (meat & potatoes – “Buy It Now” page) (as much scrolling as is necessary) If the visitor clicks this deep they are most likely interested in purchasing.

Click here for one possible redesign idea.

Hope that helps,
Steve Carlin Webmaster

Peer reviewers volunteer their time and effort to help other site owners with their websites. Please take time to visit this reviewer’s site and say that you think what they’re doing is valuable to the web business community. If you’d like your site reviewed, send an email to

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