Thursday, September 19, 2024

How to Make Sales Without your Own eMail List!

One of the most difficult parts of running a business online is actually getting started.

I mean, think about it for a minute: You’d like to see if you can make some sales first, then use that knowledge and money to continue the process, right?

But, how in the world do you manage this if you don’t already have an email list or lot’s of traffic?!

One of the things that bugs me to this day is that the supposed ‘gurus’ brag to you about how they sent out one email and made thousands of dollars by the next day.

It bugs me because they fail to tell you it took them *years* to build the list that they sent the email to!

They give you the feeling that all you need to do is send out that email.

Sorry, but it doesn’t work that way.

BUT, I do have some good news for you: I’ve got a great way for you to start making sales without your own list!

In fact, you’ll be able to start building your OWN list with this process!

What you need to do is get other people to send your ad to THEIR list.

You get to take advantage of all the hard work they put into building and nourishing their list for much less trouble than they went through.

And, if you do it right, you’ll start building your own list at the same time.

How do you do this seemingly painless task?

Well, there are several ways to go about it:

1. Submit articles to newsletter publishers asking them to publish it in their ezines.

2. Set up joint ventures where you share the profits with the list owner.

3. Purchase advertising in targeted newsletters.

The third one is the easiest method to get up and running quickly, but it will cost you some money up front.

But, if you choose the right newsletters and setup the right ad, you can get your money back fairly easily, PLUS gain subscribers for your own list in the process.

Even if you don’t have your own product, but are planning to use affiliate programs to get you started, you can gain subscribers for your own list so you can make additional offers to them over and over in the future.

There’s not enough room to go into detail on this here, so if you’d like more on this idea, including other ways to make money online without your own products, and without already having a huge email list, visit my website:

Chuck McCullough is the author of a new ebook titled: “Affiliate Mistakes: Maximizing Your Profits From Affiliate Programs!” Get your free Email Course at:

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