Saturday, October 5, 2024

Convert Your Traffic Into Quality Leads

One reason most internet businesses fail, is because people are too tied up on trying to make a sale. When what they really need to be doing is generating quality leads.

I’m positive that you’ve have heard that most people will not buy whatever you are selling the first, second, or even the third time they visit your site.

Convert your traffic into quality leads, this is the key to a successful business.

Basically there are two kinds of leads, there are leads, and there quality leads. The difference is, quality leads are interested in what you are trying to sell them.

Generating quality leads is to freely offer your visitors something tied or very closely-related to the product that you are selling. Whether it’s a report, an ebook, an email course, your ezine, or something valuable.

This is very important because you want your leads to be interested in what you are selling, hence the word, “quality”.

Generating quality leads With YOUR Website:

Generating quality leads with your website is just as important to a person who receives over a thousand visitors a day, to a person who receives under a hundred. It all means nothing if you are not converting that traffic into quality leads.


For the simple reason that traffic does not quite equal sales. You’ll have a better chance of making a sale if you turning the traffic you receive into quality leads. Do not try to just go for the sale, you will set yourself up for failure if you do this.

Quality leads equals sales.

Below are two case scenarios, one person is generating quality leads, while the other person is just generating leads. Mike E. Arthur V, owns and operates a search engine optimization service, specializing in website optimization. To generate leads, mike offers his visitors a free ebook called, “How To Sell Your House Without A Real Estate Agent”.

By doing this is he generating quality leads or just leads?

Diane W. Francis, owns a email service for personal and business use. To generate leads she offers her visitors a free email account with the choice of upgrading to a paid email service at anytime.

By doing this is she generating quality leads or just leads? By offering her visitors a free email account, she is setting herself up for success.

Do you see what I’m getting at? It truly matters what type of leads you are generating.

There are several things you could do to help you figure out what you could be offering your visitors to generate quality leads. First, try doing this little exercise.

Visually your website, and read the below paragraph, out loud several times.

What type of product(s) or service(s) am I trying to sell? What could I freely offer myself that would make me want to come back to my site, and purchase the product(s) or service(s) that I am selling?

Think about this.

The reason for the, first person words, such as “I, myself, and me”, is because, and this very important.

“You should only offer people what you would like to be offered”.

This same concept goes along with selling, and with most things in life.

One thing I highly recommend you do, is to visit one of your competitors. Look at their site, are they giving away something valuable to their visitors. If they are, what is it, and how can make what they are giving away better for your visitors.

Below are several things you could offer your visitors if you operate the following type of sites, in addition to your ezine/newsletter:

Ecover designing business –

1) Offer visitors free ecovers that you have designed yourself.

2) If you created an ecover designed software, offer them a free demo version.

3) Create a report on how a professional ecover could help their business.

Selling your own ebook – Offer your visitors a free sample copy.

Reselling an ebook – Search the internet for valuable information related to the ebook, and turn it into a 2-3 page report to offer to your visitors.

Search engine optimization service –

1) Offer visitors a free basic optimization of their website.

2) Create a report on search engine optimization, and give it away freely.

3) Give an ebook on search engine optimization

Email service – Offer visitors a free email account.

Software affiliate program – Offer visitors a chance to make some money by simply giving away a demo copy of your software, which could be coded or branded with their affiliate details.

Selling your own email courses –

1) Offer visitors the chance of receiving your email course free, and at the end of the course offer them the chance to buy the resell and “or” customization rights to the course.

These are just a view things you can do, I urge to come up with something that’s exclusive only to you.

The author is a promising young internet marketer. He is
offering free instant access to Yanik Silver and Jim
Edwards *NEW* Special Free Report, “7 Secrets To An
Instant Traffic Stampede”. This report is a 34-page
Special Report on the 7 BEST ways to get traffic to your
site FAST!

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