Friday, September 20, 2024

Damashi Peer Review – Better Use of Links

The Damashi logo is such a nice piece of art that the quality of the image maps surprises me. And when they are simply text, why put them in an image map in the first place? It would seem to me that rather than have the funny boxes at the top (that you could put into a table and make them text links, and thus more prone to higher search engine placement), he could use art.

With this design, I would want to have the links on the left hand side and put something at the top that says something about a latest release, or the most popular book, or whatever this particular item is. He obviously sells more than one product, but all I see is one book with no links of “additional titles by this author” or anything else.

When we get to the books page, all there is are links to other titles and a list of authors. I’d like to see some covers and some sample pages, so I can understand what I’m buying. It’d also be nice to have a button to buy the book on the main listing page, rather than have to click through to the descriptions. After all, with this kind of inventory, I’d almost have to know what I was buying before coming here.

Something big that’s missing on the page is an actual copyright date, it just says Copyright, Damashi.

Samantha Downing
Deep7 Business Director

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