A Site Review Of Gaslamp.org By Michael E. Black of Tec-Inc.com.
My first observation was the black background with white text. White text is very difficult to read on any background color. So anywhere on the site where a choice is made to white text, my vote is to change the plan. White text should only be considered when it is large bold lettering done for emphasis. You do not want your patrons to be straining to read your content.
If I don’t like white text, then you can surmise that I don’t care for dark backgrounds. So the black background on the main page is a problem for me, at least when the entire page is black. Black can be used in a portion of the page with some Flash graphics might be attractive and catch the attention of the visitor.
The solid color backgrounds on some of the other pages on the website are not appealing in my opinion. They are just to much (and some of them have white text on them!). If the color scheme is meant to have relevance to the color coding on the map, then use the color freely on the page, or in the banner for the page to make the connection.
I like the graphics (pictures, etc.) used on the website. Simple and meaningful are always a good format choice. The combination of pictures and well place informational text on pages with the white background are particularly appealing to me and make the navigation experience more pleasurable.
On the Dining page you should consider changing the Lobster to a different graphic when you bring up the different cuisines. I like the $$ rating scheme for cost.
The same can be said for all of the different pages, make the graphics match the type shop for the shopping page, etc. And why is the entertainment page different? No animated graphics? Keep the site consistent so the viewer can traverse the different sections in the same mode of operation. Don’t make them learn a new navigation technique for each page.
Overall the website is not difficult to navigate and if I were looking to find something under the categories supplied I don’t believe I would have a hard time.
Best Regards
Michael E. Black http://www.tec-inc.com.
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