Saturday, October 5, 2024

Why Is Today Important?

It’s just another Monday (or Thursday or whatever). Why is it important what you do – or don’t do – on this particular day?

What you do today – this ordinary day – IS important because you are exchanging one full day of your life for it.

Heavy, huh.

Whatever you do – or don’t do today – will be left behind, as the past. When tomorrow comes, in today’s place will be whatever you left behind – helping or hurting, saving or spending, eating or exercising, happiness or hopelessness.

If that’s not enough of a reason for you (*whew, tough crowd!*), then consider that the best predictor of your future is your past. We all hear a lot about how the present is creating your future — how a well lived “today”, will create a wonderful tomorrow. But did you realize that you’re also creating your PAST by what you do today?

It’s true. What you do today — the way you think and live — and what you change today, changes the “where you’ve been” icon. Been there, done that takes on a new meaning. So where you’ve been (all your life) doesn’t have to be where you are going.

Some people see their past as proof of the way things are “supposed to be”. But your past doesn’t have to determine your future. Perhaps (today) you don’t have the education you need to have the job you want. But by changing today, you change not only the future, but also the past.

Think of this simple example. Yesterday (and months prior), I owed Sears $100. Today I paid off that bill. Tomorrow, I will not owe Sears any money. Next week, I won’t owe Sears any money. In the past, I was a debtor. Now my past has changed. I am no longer in debt to Sears.

A week from now, will you say “I exercise each day”, or will you say “I still can’t find the time to exercise”? A month from now, will you say “I’m working on a new career”, or will you say “I still hate my job”? A year from now will you say “My life is so hectic, and unorganized, I never get anything done”, or will you say “I am in control of my time and my life”?

Instead of “I’ve always done it that way”, you can say “I now do it this way”. Instead of “that’s just the way I am”, you now say “This is the way I am.” Instead of “I can’t because (fill in blank)”, you now say “I CAN because (fill in blank)”.

While your past IS the best predictor of your future, every single day you have the opportunity to create not only a future, but a new past as well. Every single day you are exchanging a day of your life for what you do today.

Refuse to let your past determine your future! Every new day is a new opportunity to create the happiness that you want and deserve.

Where you’ve been all your life, doesn’t have to be where you’re going. Use today to change your past and your future. Create a new past by what you do today.

Professional Life Coach Kathy Gates is the author of several e-books and e-courses designed to help people live happier, healthier, easier lives. Sign up for her ezine, “Make It Happen” at

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