Friday, September 20, 2024

BrainStorms: 10 Reviews To Help You Tweak Your Site

A Site Review Of Ent Federal Credit Union By Ten Readers.

Check out these reviews for design ideas. There’s nothing like your peers to tell you what’s wrong with your site.

(For a complete listing of reviews of this site, site links, and to read the site review criteria established by the site’s webmaster, visit the Ent Federal review page.)

Dear Ms. Selfridge,

My first impression — Which way do I go? I think the homepage would benefit greatly from the 7 link rule. The following 7 would be effective main navigation:

about us
just for kids
online banking
planning tools

I would reinforce the ease of navigation by making the home page and all the inside pages the same look/color. Also make sure the graphic is the same physical spot on each page so your eye is not jumping around as you travel through the site. Your quick jump feature is nice but it really clutters up the page. Perhaps just narrow the links down. It seems directions, news, locations and hours and contact us could go under the About us tab. The privacy pledge could go in the bottom links. The online banking link there seems redundant. Perhaps the remaining links could be shown graphically (icon) so your eye is drawn to, for instance a big check mark with a photo of a check for reorder checks link. This link should go direct to a reorder check page. I notice now you are taking to a page where you actually have to click again, which in essence doesn’t make it a quick link from the home page.

Another tip would be to include the same text links at the bottom of your page as your main navigation (good for search engines). Also at the bottom you could add your sitemap link.

Hope this helps.

Lara Amaral
LEA Designs

Very, very nice website. VERY FAST! I love that.

Clean, easy to use and easy to navigate.

Well organized with outstanding content! Members should be very happy to have such a good resource. Of course, not being a member I was unable to access the “Account Management” pages, so I will assume it worked just as well as the pages I could access.

No gratuitous graphics and dancing bears to distract and slow the download. That’s a big plus to me. When I use a financial website I want to be able to get where I want to go, get my business done, and get back to work. This site also offered a great deal of help and informative content.

One downside, and it’s kinda big. Browser compatibility. It was built for Internet Explorer. Everything worked fine in IE and Opera, but it was not happy in Netscape. The drop-down menus didn’t work and whenever I use the “Back” button on my browser it didn’t like to display cleanly.

It’s a mistake to use Microsoft-Only features and style sheets. Netscape and Mozilla are used by a large segment of the population. Why make it tough for them? To me it’s like building a store with an 18″ wide doorway so fat people and crippled people can’t shop. “Beautiful People Only” may be a good policy for a trendy night club, but “Microsoft Only” a bad idea for a website.

Another suggestion: Refine the meta tags. The Description and Keywords looked like the Oxford Dictionary. A lot of search engines hate that.

Overall, I’d have to give this site an A-. The only thing I found wrong with it at all, was the Netscape thing.

John Young

1. Navigation is a bit off on the home page, since as you move from left to right, wider menus on the left effectively screen the next one to the right. If you mouse over Services, for instance, then the Rates menu is unavailable (at least on my screen – 1280 x 960, large fonts). This does not seem to happen on the other pages.

2. I picked a typical thing – looking up Mortgage information. I thought the navigation was obvious and that the content was excellent. I had no trouble figuring out how to find what I wanted.

3. One complaint I have, as my eyes get older, is that the left nav is hard to read. Yes, I’m running at high resolution, but still it’s frustrating to have to put on my reading glasses to see what the words are over there, or squint and strain.

4. Money space design change is eye-catching, but the left nav having black text on a blue background is very hard to read. Even the white-on-blue is hard to read, but that may because of #3 above. %^}

5. The random stars-as-links (Consumer Loan Rates) are interesting, but without Alt text, it’s only by fluke that I found out that they are live links rather than just decoration. The same goes for the piggy bank on Savings Account Rates and anywhere else that graphics are used in non-obvious spots as links.

6. On the other hand, I really like the summary table of loan rates on the Consumer Loan Rates page – clear, all in one place, doesn’t force me to dig for key information.

Overall, load time was fine for me (DSL), graphics weren’t distracting or annoying, and it all seemed to fit together well.

Steven List, President

  • Load time of 4 or 5 seconds (28800 – connection) was fine but when the page did load I was unimpressed with what I saw.
  • I looked at all the links for something interesting, and checked the googleplex thing out because I had not heard of it before – it was kind of hum drum.
  • The graphics used on the page are unappealing, with no white space or suitable border to set them off. The large photo made little sense as I did not recognize either ent and there building or the location.
  • All web sites should be designed for a 800×600 screen resolution, unless script is used to produce a different one to match the user needs. This was a problem with this site, as it had a large white space to the right as if the site was designed for a smaller screen resolution.
  • The add graphics were just plain unsuitable.
  • The use of drop down menu’s is a very difficult thing to get right and I do not generally like them, if your going to use these things you better be in top design form, the use of professional looking photo’s as backgrounds for the menu drop downs could be a big plus if used, maybe a little difficult to execute though.
  • The bottom line is this, why would I choose ent as my credit union, as opposed to some other credit union or bank – these questions should have been answered without having to dig in to the site.
  • A picture of there cutest bank teller doing her job or giving a big smile would go a long way, as people like there banking to be friendly.
  • There was just nothing of interest, unless I was already a customer, to make me want to go further into the site.

    Jeff Johnson

    First of all, the adds on the homepage are too much apperant. The navigation on the right does not catch the eye but the adds do.

    Noone if not tried can guess that the top nav has a cool dropdown. It is not there if no one sees it.

    The alt tag to the image is not necessary at all. No links to the image but gets all the way when scrolling the mouse.

    There is a huge gap on the right side of the screen. It’s OK for 800×600 but what about the others??? The designers should think about a way to avoid that. Does not look good.

    What can I say? I just went to the membership page. This site is bad. You can’t read, there’s too much to read and no navigation.

    I will not go to any other pages to review the site and I think this tells how I rate it


    I loved the site. It was colorful, happy. The only negative thing I could find would be the four boxes at the bottom of the home page. The info looked like those cheap pop-up ads – not very professional and kind of scary. Maybe you should make those the same color so it would appear more solid, aesthetic-looking(sp?), and professional. Otherwise, I thought it was a great site and would be proud to do online business with a company whose website were as thoughtfully done as yours.

    Frances Clemons

    This is reasonable enough site, perhaps a bit crowded, but with satisfactory navigation, etc. What I did not like was the graphical images on the default page. To me they look like banners or adverts which I tend to blank. Otherwise fine!


    Bryan D Weir

    For a banking site, even for a credit union the “presence” must be one of a serious nature. I wouldn’t probably use the site for banking due to the look and feel of the site. It’s almost like going to a bank and the branch manager is wearing a purple zoot suit with a yellow hat. You have a nice website, but a poor internet presence. Give your site that “gray pinstripe” look and I believe you will get the traffic and usage of the site that you desire.

    Roderick Rowser

    I’d make the home image smaller and crisper and pull up the lower banners a little higher.

    Then add a quick log-in form & button for people who are in a hurry.

    Other than that everything seems to load pretty fast which is always a plus in money matters.

    Sean Collins

    As soon as I hit popup I clicked out.

    Jeff McElhattan

    Peer reviewers volunteer their time and effort to help other ebusiness owners with their websites. Please take time to visit this reviewer’s site and say that you think what they’re doing is valuable to the web business community. For a complete listing of sites reviewed, visit the Peer Review section. If you’d like your site reviewed, send an email to

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