Thursday, September 19, 2024

4 Steps To Succeed Online With One Question

Do you want to change your life? Change what you think about. Ask yourself solution oriented questions not disempowering or negative based questions.

If you find yourself saying negative things, turn them around.

For example,

You ask yourself, “How can I accomplish this task, I have no experiences in this subject?” Instead, ask yourself, “Who can I find that is successful in this subject already? How can I model what they are doing?”

You see, you subconscious mind will give you the answers to the questions you ask. If you ask negative questions, it is going to bring you negative results, it only gives you what you request of it.

Another example, “How come I keep sabotaging my own success, I always seem to screw up my goals?

This question will be filtered through your mind and will create all kinds of feelings of doubt in yourself. A better way to approach this problem, would be to ask yourself,

“How can I turn this obstacle in my path into a learning experience that will benefit myself or someone else? What can I do to make sure this ——-

doesn’t happen again?

Recently two very popular new ebooks have emerged to be very successful in the online ebook marketing topic.

The are “One Question” by Josh Hinds and Bryan Hall

and 30 Days to Success by Joe Kumar.

To receive an actual step by step blueprint free sample of this ebook, send a blank email to: mailto:30day@y…

Each of these authors has taken questions to those already successful in this field, and presented questions that were formulated well enough to get really great responses.

They then listened to the advice given, so generously and freely, applied it and put together these books. Their plans included solutions that were win-win for both the author and the marketer’s who answered the question.

Okay, so you are intrigued by these ebooks. You visit their website, read the sales page, look at all the good testimonials from the well known internet marketers and you say to yourself, “Gee, I could of done that, why didn’t I think of that?”

My suggestion is to change that “Why didn’t I think of that?” to “How can I take his example, modify it to another topic question, and create a book in a similar way?”

But don’t just ask yourself that question once. Ask it over and over in your head until you get an answer. Make sure it is always in a solution looking type of question, not a problem complaining one.


–How can I achieve success by modeling this example?

–What question could I ask that would intrigue successful people enough to want to work with me?

–What do I have to offer these successful people?

–How can I develop something to offer them that they will value enough to partner with me?

–Where can I find the answers I need to these questions?

There are many places to get the answers to the above questions. You can post them at internet marketing forums. You can ask the successful people themselves, but their is a unique step by step process to doing this, so that your email is not looked at as spam.

It has taken me a long time to learn the lesson of turning negative thinking into positive focus on results. Many ebooks, regular books, cassette tapes, forum postings and trial and error. But I am growing, improving and profiting more everyday! That is SUCCESS.

I still have negative thoughts, they are buried deep inside me. But when I become aware of them, I say to myself, “God forbid this thought from my mind. I will find a solution to this problem. Worrying and focusing on it is not helping me to achieve the goals I want in my life.” I then replace that thought in my head, with a more positive one.

I can give you a recent example. Some will say, when promoting affiliate programs to stick with only a few and put all your efforts on them, to achieve success. I for one would get real bored doing this, so I have made my niche, by reviewing the internet marketing products and then promoting my reviews.

I will soon be releasing my first ebook, to earn a profit from, titled, “How To Start Making Money Working From Home, and Learn How, without Going Broke!” I can sell this confidently, because this is an area, after a year of trial and error, is something I have become an expert at.

Of course some people will say, but are your REALLY making money. I KNOW when I release my book for sale, my profits will explode. I have no doubt, because I have earned commissions from sales of ebooks for others, and know what type of successes they are achieving.

You can be successful, and you can measure your success against your previous attempts. Any gain, is a success for you.

For example: Recently I published and promoted a free ebook, titled, “How I Increased My Commissions from Clickbank 300% in two weeks time. I explain, how I went from one pay period with a check of $42. to the next check being $142. You can get that free ebook, by sending a blank email to: mailto:frbook2@y…

Now for those making thousands from Clickbank every two weeks, this is probably laughable to them. But for this single mom, working from home, with three kids, fibromyalgia, and some other health problems that slow me down, this is a great success. The fact that the next check coming is closely climbing to at least the same amount shows my steady progress.

You don’t just measure your success by money. My site comes up in Google under several different search terms. My name is out there. Subscribers send emails asking me questions as though I am now an expert. All of this takes time, but it is very doable.

In Feb. 2002, I didn’t even know how to build a web page. Knew nothing about html, javascript, popup codes, cgi. etc. It was all a foreign language to me. Yet in just over a year’s time, I have built a 300 meg website, completely by self-teaching myself what I needed to know, step by step, one day at a time.

You can do it too. Take a stand. Don’t just follow the advice of the guru’s. Go with your gut instinct. Most of the info marketers will tell you to write following the “What’s in it For Me” philosophy for your reader. While I agree this is a must in sales copy, I have differentiated from that in my article writing.

You can get excellent response from article writing when you tell your story. When you are honest, and can get your reader to identify with you, you make a connection. Those connections bring subscribers and those subscribers eventually bring repeat sales.

This is how I have brought just one avenue of commissions, my Clickbank check, from $0 a year ago, to what will be closely reaching $300 for the month of May, 2003. My progress may be slower than others. A main reason for that is that I only promote something I have acquired read or used. Because of family responsibilities, I can only work at this part time.

I have resell rights to many items, I have chosen not to promote. All of this success has been achieved through fr*e promotion efforts. I haven’t even released my own product for sale yet.

You can do it too. If you invest between $50-75 a month, a small portion of that being hosting fees, and add just one product a month, you can succeed, faster than I did. If you invest time and get to know other marketer’s you’ll be amazed at how fast you can grow your site, your web traffic, and your list.

For details on how to get an excellent domain and hosting for your first month, send a blank email to: mailto:hosting35@y… I will help you with any questions you might have.

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