Friday, September 20, 2024

Bill Haig Answers Logo Credibility Questions

Hello, I am Bill Haig, pioneer of credibility-based logos. Research has demonstrated that a credible logo will greatly enhance your ability to achieve desired business goals. Therefore, your logo is probably the most important marketing tool on your site.

I would like to invite you to send me your logo for my credibility meter test. Please include a description of your business and what makes you unique in this business.

I will let you know if you are projecting your business as credible or not credible on a scale of one to ten. If you score high, I will tell you why. If you score low, I will give you suggestions for improvement. I may also comment on your company name.

What makes me qualified to do this?

During the 60s I trained under logo design legend Saul Bass (AT&T, Rockwell International, Celanese, Alcoa, United Airlines, United Way, Minolta Camera, Continental Airlines, the Quaker Oats man and many others.) I did the strategic planning for some of these, Saul did the design. I went on and received a graduate degree in the persuasion effects of logos and discovered the credibility basis to successful logos, which is also inherent in Saul’s work.

My best-selling book describes the credibility-based logo premise: The Power of Logos: How to Create Effective Company Logos, New York, John Wiley & Sons Publishers, 1997. I am currently on the faculty at Hawaii Pacific University teaching Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion.

Articles by Bill:
Successful Logos Explained

Bill Haig is a PhD candidate in Management with a specialty in credibility-based branding expressed through visual communication. For a $25 evaluation of your company logo, please access his website, He can also be reached at 808.922.4042 (Hawaii Standard Time.)

Checks can be sent to 2957 Kalakaua Ave. ste. 206 Honolulu, HI 96815.

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