Thursday, September 19, 2024

Exhausted or Exhilarated, Which Do You Choose?

The answer to that question would seem to be obvious. If we stop to look at behavior, though, it seems many folks prefer exhaustion. They might say differently, but, behavior seldom lies. There is no question that folks are busy beyond belief. But, what are they busy about?

Tonight I was giving a teleseminar helping direct sales people overcome reluctances and resistances to succeeding. I asked tonight’s class what it was that kept them from swimming for shore. Their answers: fear of success, kids’ needs, procrastination, lack of organization and working on things that don’t really need doing. That last one reminded me of a quote from that great philosopher, Anonymous, who said: “In the absence of clear goals, we become strangely loyal to daily acts of trivia.” Are you caught in the trivia of your work or your life?

It’s similar to treading water, I think. You can get very tired treading water all day. In fact, it can exhaust you. The exhilaration replaces that exhaustion when you actually swim and reach shore–when you get somewhere. The big question is ‘Which shore are you headed for?’ and ‘Why?’ Unless you know exactly where you want to end up and why that is your choice, you may tread water for a long time. Some folks do it for a lifetime. Goals are quite superficial unless you are clear about your compelling reason for choosing them.

Last June, I was speaking to a group of women in Dallas about some similar things. I told them that treading water is really getting ready to get ready to swim. They laughed. Really, though, it’s very common for us to spend our lives ‘getting ready to get ready’ to really do something. How many folks threaten to write a book? How many threaten to run a marathon? All too often these are empty threats.

Talking about doing something someday makes great conversation. Each time you do it, though, my guess is that you feel a little disappointed in yourself. I know I do. I have to stop and ask myself, “If this is important to me, how much time have I given it this week?” That’s a sobering thought! Surely, if it’s important enough to tell folks about, it must be on my calendar. Right?

That’s why it is important to choose your destination–the shore you will swim to–and keep it in sight until you arrive. Give up treading water. Reaching the goal is exhilarating. Treading water is endless…and exhausting. You choose!

C Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, San Diego, CA.. All rights reserved worldwide.

International speaker, coach, author & talk radio host,
Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, is an expert motivator. She gives you
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