Friday, September 20, 2024

How Google Grows…and Grows…and Grows

Its performance is the envy of executives and engineers around the world … For techno-evangelists, Google is a marvel of Web brilliance … For Wall Street, it may be the IPO that changes everything (again) … But Google is also a case study in savvy management — a company filled with cutting-edge ideas, rigorous accountability, and relentless attention to detail … Here’s a search for the growth secrets of one of the world’s most exciting young companies — a company from which every company can learn

On Tuesday morning, January 21, the world awoke to nine new words on the home page of Google Inc., purveyor of the most popular search engine on the Web: “New! Take your search further. Take a Google Tour.” The pitch, linked to a demo of the site’s often overlooked tools and services, stayed up for 14 days and then disappeared.

To most reasonable people, the fleeting house ad seemed inconsequential. But imagine that you’re unreasonable. For a moment, try to think like a Google engineer — which pretty much requires being both insanely passionate about delivering the best search results and obsessive about how you do that.

Click below to read this article at the website:

Launched in November 1995 by Alan Webber and Bill Taylor, two former Harvard Business Review editors, Fast Company magazine was founded on a single premise: A global revolution was changing business, and business was changing the world. Discarding the old rules of business, Fast Company set to chronicle how changing companies create and compete, to highlight new business practices, and to showcase the teams and individuals who are inventing the future and reinventing business.

Today, the business world continues to change, and Fast Company continues to evolve as well. In this note from the founding editors, Alan Webber and Bill Taylor discuss how the magazine continues to serve its readers:

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